August 2013
David causes van smash that puts Nick in th’ospital; Craig confides to Karl that he blames himself for the Rovers fire; Jenna starts work in Roy’s Rolls; Roy and Hayley holiday in Mary’s motorhome; Rob and Tracy open Barlow’s Buys; Mandy leaves; Sylvia leaves; Paul the fireman leaves; Rita gets threatened on the Red Rec.
Fat Brenda’s diet of the month: The milkshake diet - using a milkshake to wash down the bacon barms.
Best line of the month goes to Mary: “I’ve got pianist’s fingers, which is much like housemaid’s knee, only more middle-class.”
Fictional character mentioned this month we'd love to meet - Little Shane Dooley, the paper boy
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January 2013
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April 2013
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Didn't Jason bump into little Shane Dooley while leaving Eva's place last week?
Barlow's Buys opened in August for a six month rent-free period. That ends in Jan/Feb. If it suits them, the tptb will make it a flourishing business and Rob will happily pay the rent. Another scenario is that they're skint and Peter becomes a bookie again. All sorts of possibilities for the Barlow/Connor clan.
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