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Tuesday 4 October 2011

Coronation Street Weekly Update, October 3 2011

Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update. And so without any further ado, here we go with this week's Coronation Street update.
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Don’t you just love soap?  In half an episode, Bill Webster returned after months away, declared his love for Aunty Pam and told everyone he was going to wed her then he fell down flat with a heart attack, ended up in intensive care – and all before the adverts came on.  Bill in hospital, however, was the catalyst for getting Kevin all mushy-eyed and loved up on red wine with Sally on the sofa. A kiss on the lips later and they’re upstairs renewing acquaintance again until the morning after when Kev’s taking it for granted that he’s back with Sally and flings his overalls at her for a hot wash.  Sally is not best pleased, tells Kev to stuff it and chucks him and baby Jack out before waltzing to the Bistro with boyfriend Jeff.   Kev’s attempts to woo his wife back with a bottle of plonk and a cheap bouquet from Dev’s shop fail to have the required result.

But never fear, there’s more canoodling across the cobbles as Anna and Owen get to spend more time together, which is kind of nice to see but would be even better if Eddie’s side of the bed had been allowed to cool down.  And if Owen didn’t have such a particularly nasty streak stamped through him and you know it’s going to get stamped all over Anna sometime soon.

Over at Carla’s flat, she overdoses on sleeping pills but manages to ring Peter for help before she slips into a coma. It’s all been Peter and Carla this week, with Leanne giving Peter ultimatums and hard stares.  Doesn’t she know he was once a bigamist and therefore having two women on the go is playing to his strengths? If she’d read these weekly updates you see, she’d have known to stay well clear of me laddo.  Anyway, Carla moves in with Maria and little Liam and Kirk moves out and moves in with Ches.

Actually, do you know what? There’s not been much else happened this week.  I’ve just had to check my notes that I scribble on auto-pilot while watching the Street, to see if there’s owt that I’ve missed and there’s not. Well, there was Chris and Russ and Lloyd and Cheryl struggling and failing to get along but that’s been so dull we’ll give that a miss.  And there’s been Steve and Tracy and Becky but that’s trundling along doing nowt much either, so we’ll give that a miss too and you can all go home. Class dismissed.

And that's just about that for this week. 

This week's writers were Julie Jones, Joe Turner, Damon Rochefort and David Lane.  Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at:

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at


Anonymous said...

Why is Tracey still around should she not be returning to court for her re trial. How can Steve be that stupid and blind. SHE KILLED HER LOVER BECAUSE SHE WAS JEALOUS

Becky my love you have made your mistakes but you are well rid of that idiot you can do far better

Anonymous said...

Jim McDonald gets sent down for 7-10 one cares. Peetah shows up at Carlas - AGAIN - to see how she's getting along - AGAIN and gives her a big hug - AGAIN whilst looking all downcast -AGAIN. DUH.
Sally boffs Kevin one afternoon she's playing tonsil hockey with Jeff..LAME-O.
Rosie...can you spell ANNOYING! What..the writers will think she's all cute with her new 'it's all about me' attitude. What happened to Jason or has he been given the boot and no one told us?

ChiaGwen said...

Oh, shame that, Jim being sent down again for a long stretch...would have loved to hear his 'so it is' just one more time....perhaps after having Tracy dispatched to parts unknown.

Anonymous said...

In Canada Tracy has just arrived back on the street, had her head bashed in and unfortunately survived. I cannot watch the show any longer,the storylines are just too stupid now and I cannot tolerate the Tracy & Deirdre duo. Perhaps I'll tune back in when she's gone for good so I'll keep up through this blog.

Anonymous said...

We need a formal campaign to hire new writers (or re-hire previous writers who were bloody good) - never mind the "free the weatherfield one" stuff, it should be "writers for weatherfield now, please"...

maggie muggins said...

Well, it has been a filler few days for sure. I would also have liked to see just a few more eps with Jim. It's creepy watching Steve buy all of Tracy's devious behaviour, acting all normal.

I think Alison King is still doing a good job of playing hitting bottom, and at least Carla is seeing the therapist. But Peter just nodding when she tells him she has a drink to get to sleep - that's just stupid. He's not even fooling himself any more.


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