However - I'm hoping that next week's Stape marathon will be worth a look. I'm saying nothing about the McDonalds - apparently that storyline will be receiving a lot of coverage next week as well, but frankly I have no interest in it whatsoever and will definitely be clicking "mute" when Becky, Kylie and/or Tracy are on screen.
Back to Stapewick. I know a lot of people are sick to the back teeth of it all. Personally, while I thoroughly enjoyed its black comedy, farcical aspects until probably shortly after the tram crash, I do feel it has been milked dry and then some. But I am willing to stick with it till the end, to see if the Corrie team do justice to what has been a really extraordinary plotline and a half.
I've really loved Graeme Hawley as Stape, and thought all the related characters such as Charlotte, her parents, Kung Fu Dave, and Fishwick himself, were superb. I'm sceptical about a rooftop drama, but I'll keep an open mind and hope for the best.
My own blog is here.
I think the whole storyline has been very well crafted, with lots of twists and turns as we see John sink deeper and deeper into depression and madness from the guilt. Whether he lives or dies, he's certainly gone over the edge, literally and figuratively.
I would have liked to see Fiz finally giving that idiot John a good clither in the gob for what he's put her through but no...she's going to whimper and whine for the next 5 months or so about how sensitive John was and all he ever wanted to do was to be a good 'teacher'. Blah. Done to death.
I've really liked the "Stapewick Saga", and it's been very well handled with suitable amounts of drama and black comedy incorporated in what has been an enjoyable storyline. It will be fascinating to see how the plot is concluded, and hopefully John will get a good exit- which in my mind, he deserves.
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