It's a rhetorical question of course. No one in their right mind would want the lovely Anna Windass to stoop as low as to go out with 'orrible Owen.
But might it not be an interesting pairing, all the same, with Anna becoming a mum-of-sorts to Izzy and Katy?
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
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Maybe Anna can soften Owen up
Anna Windass is actually the sexiest woman on the street right now. Evil Owen could do a lot worse. Mind you, Anna could do better.
No. Get rid of Owen and Katy. Both dreadful. Leave Izzy - she's great.
I'm sick of all this 'awww, they're nice really' rubbish that's happening with Corrie at the moment. Owen showed himself to be an intimidating bully with no redeeming features but now they need someone for Anna so she looks less like a spare part they just cross reference age/ build/ eligibility and pair them off.
It's like Chris, he arrives as a wife beather and then because he looks good with his top off we're given a character U-turn. Same with Frank Foster who is now considered to be ok.
Develop characters in a believable way instead of treating your audience like morons with amnesia and maybe you'll win best soap again instead of the Soap Awards rewards it won purely because it was Corrie's anniversary and it was that that facilitated the tram crash and live episode. If Collinson had taken over in anything other than its anniversary year he'd have won nothing and be on the last bus from Weatherfield.
They are not just 'evil' or caricature villains they are reacting to situations. Everyone has good and bad in them, and in the case of domestic abuse - it is possible that they can go on to enter a healthy non-abusive relationship...
I thinks it good that things are not just over-simplified with 'goodies' and 'baddies'
Anna has terrible taste in men!
Just what we need, another implausible idea. Noooo, not now. Anna needs to go through a couple of stages of loss and grief first; she's not some 14 year old dumped after a couple of dates. She and Eddie were more or less happily together for 20+ years, when he up and left, abandoning her with a newly adopted, very troubled child. Yet she miraculously seems to swim through her days, with strength enough remaining to help poor (idiotic) Katy. She's put up with too much to add a backstreet bully to her plate. And, since I believe it was she who banished Evil Uncle Len, I doubt she'd take him as he is.
They've each got a crisis to deal with. If they SLOWLY muddle through and grow close in the process, maybe. But there'd better be a lot of pushback from Gary. You don't need grandiose ideas. Real life is interesting enough. Pay attention to the details.
Absoloutley not. Izzy + Gary are dating. This would turn out like another David + Tina/Gail + Joe thing. Dating your Step-dads daughter is like dating your sister. Would be a re-run of a same storyline only 2 years ago!
Spot on Anonymous with your No No No post. I'm absolutely sick of being treated as a moron with amnesia.
Of course it's possible that wife beaters can reform, but very unlikely without outside help. And this is soap not real life. Adulterers have to be punished (see Kevin), but real crimes have few consequences. What about all of Owen's tax fiddling, never mind his bullying?
The show is getting close to condoning appalling treatment of women.
Anna is HOT but, being one who rides both bus numbers, there is something about Owen! Jim McDonald was a proper nutter but was not always labelled that way. People do indeed change attitudes and so well done for the street for reflecting this. Oh and by the way I happen to think Izzy is one of the flattest charecters the street has had in yonks!
Anna & Owen? I don't think so.
No - it really would be a storyline repeat. But on a separate note I wish they would give Gary and Izzy something to do.
I don't know why we bother sending people to prison. Just send them to Coronation Street and they will be instantly transformed into pillars of society. Well done to the Street for not bothering with continuity or character development and showing how people really do completely change personality for no apparent reason.
People speak of storyline repeats, but that doesn't really matter if the writing is character driven - as we're always arguing it should be. Anna and Owen are NOT Gail & Joe, Gary is no David. Yes, as situation may be the same on paper but the whole thing would play out differently. There are, relatively speaking, not all that many storylines available. Not saying I like the idea of Anna & Owen - my jury's still out on that one - but with good writing it has potential. And yes, Owen is a dishonest bully, but he's also a loving (if useless) father. People are not black & white. Villains like Richard Hillman struggled with their conscience and many positive points, unlike the 2 dimensionally evil Jezz Quigley (fun though he was).
I dont like it, its all so predictable and pat. Why would Anna who hasnt split up with Eddie, he has just ostensibly gone to Germany to work, want to start a relationship with anyone anyway? She has her hands full with the brat from hell, and they DO always pair up parents of couples. David and Gail, Bill and Pam - WHERE are they by the way?
I think it's a good idea - I can see them being an interesting couple.
Not sure they'd be teamed up as a romantic couple but I could see Owen manipulating Anna into getting his way with Katy.
Yes! Anna makes Owen more likeable and the actors have chemistry :)
Yes! I really want them to get together. They seem to have chemistry and i think they'd be a great couple.
Although he's done bad things in the past he bought the house for her and Faye so they didn't have to move, which i thought was very sweet.
Plus, like some people have already said, there's good and bad in everyone so it doesn't mean Owen can't be nice/have a softer side.
omg i WOULD love for them to get together, so what he was an idiot but he is great to anna and faye :D Its so high school like the way they flirt, not knowing each others feeling<3
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