Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Corrie's Big Week - what do you think of it so far?
It's got Bonkers Becky, Toxic Tracy, Serial killer Stape, Fiz going nuts in the shower, a dead body being dug up, secrets exposed to the Social Services.... but what do you make of Coronation Street's big week so far? Has Corrie producer Phil Collinson pulled a blinder with this 'Corrie big week' or not? What do you reckon?
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I'm loving it, because it's the end of Becky smothering Steve, and the exit of John (who I'll miss)
Jennie McAlpine is amazing this week
Enjoying the Stape stuff, hating the Becky stuff.
I long for the days where the drama was mixed with comedy. It is going from one dark storyline to another throughout without any light relief. Even though I am obviously watching it out of loyalty if nothing else I wish it would lighten up. A quick funny line here and there is not enough. I suggest the current writers look back over past episiodes, not out of nostalgia, but to see the magic mix of drama and comedy that made the street truly unmissable without needing 'specials' weeks. In days gone by the street was watched by double the amount of viewers simply because whatever was happening, even if nothing particular did, it would be written in a way that made it just as entertaining as a death, murder or breakdown! - Micky
Jury's still out for me - though sick to death of Becky/Kylie/max. Love Graeme Hawley but I never really wanted to see Stape going completely haywire either to be honest.
I'm loving it so far! Ooh it's got me hollering at the telly, for sure, but it's keeping my attention.
I'm loving the Stape storyline, and it will be a pity when Stape goes. I'm enjoying Steve finally developing a pseudo backbone, in quintessential Steve MacDonald style, i.e. finally doing what he wants yet lying about it at the same time, but I am tired of Becky's one-track-record. The whole Max storyline is hardly one that should have been included - would have loved for it to have died a quick death months ago, and instead, had some good old hilarity juxtaposed against the Stape storyline through some of the other characters. Ah well.
Hoping Fiz pushed him off the roof.
Absolutely terrible. I have realised that Coronation Street cannot do suspense. There was never any danger of any permanent damage to the cellar hostages, no question that Chesney would not reach Katy in time and obvious that Stape would not snatch Hope from Maria. Samia Smith just can't do fear - maybe one reason why the "rape" was so questionable. And LOL at ALL the 'phones being switched off at just the wrong time.
I don't care about any of these characters or the outcome. I used to like Graeme, but found myself wishing he would stay under the blanket on Eileen's couch and stop whining. The Stape storyline is pathetic. How can someone so incompetent manage to go round killing and kidnapping without capture? Why is Fiz so gullible and whiny? And David Platt going on and on and on about Max is beyond tedious.
This is complete drivel and it’s appropriate that it is sandwiched between the very mediocre “entertainment” on Britain's Got Talent.
Anyone else getting fed up of "Anonymous" comments?
Anyway, the person I reserve my hatred for is Xin. What a waste of oxygen that girl is. A user and a manipulator
Anyone else gettting fed up of stupid comments about anonymous comments?
Fed up with the Stape story, it seems never ending. I wondered whether John would go all "Physco" in that shower scene.
The Becky/Max/Kylie story is beyond ridiculous, why didnt Kylie go to the offices of the SS if she wanted to keep it quiet from David who all so predictably came home at exactly the wrong time. I agree David going on about this all the time is way beyond tedious and just not credible and THERE IS NO PROOF that any money exchanged hands and SS would be far more interested in the welfare of the child than any kind of Macdonald bartering so this constant onus on the money paid is absolutely pathetic.
Personally, I'm just relieved that three way-too-long storylines are all FINALLY reaching a conclusion.
I've never really liked Graeme,although he is clearly very popular, but the never-ending and farcial fake marriage plot seems to have got on everyone's nerves.
I have enjoyed the John Stape storyline, but it has been stretched out far longer than it should have been, and as much as I'll miss the character of John, it will be a relief to finally have everything out in the open, and let Chesney and Charlotte's parents finally use a bathroom. I bet they need it.
As for Becky, I have loathed everything about the character from the day she returned, and her inability not to drape herself over Steve every time she speak to him, like a spider devouring it's mate makes my flesh crawl. I only hope and pray that they are not reconciled... ever. Mind you, she'll probably be doing the same to some other poor victim within a fortnight.
Thank God for Sylvie - the best new older character in years. Long may she reign (and continue to be written so well).
Graeme Hawley is doing a terrific job, and up until this week I've enjoyed that storyline. Unfortunately now it's gone from dark humour to tragedy as someone mentioned, and for me it's a bit depressing to watch
The Becky/Kylie/Max storyline is horrendous and at least in my opinion not entertaining in the least. At least Kylie has calmed down a bit though. At the beginning she was so over the top. Becky is now OTT enough for both of them together and then some. Am really not looking forward to yet another meltdown.
Finally I find Graeme falling in love with Xin to be completely and utterly ridiculous! It's not believable in the least and has to be one of the worst storylines of all time in my opinion.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Becky Mcdonald♥♥♥♥♥ enough said ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
The best feature of this week is that it hopefully brings to an end three of the daftest ever stories on Coronation Street. At least we will now be spared David and Kylie explaining to each other why Max is living over the road in every episode.
I'm really liking how this week is panning out, and the acting of Jennie McAlpine & Graeme Hawley has been second-to-none.
One of the anonymous commenters is right. "Corrie's Big Week" is to be welcomed only in as much as it brings a simultaneous and long overdue end to three of the most ridiculously implausible and tediously prolonged story threads in the history of the show - and given that it's been going more than 50 years, that's no insignificant fact.
Why ON EARTH would David Platt suddenly decide that his prime objective in life had become to secure custody of his newly minted wife's infant son? Given the character's history, it's a bit like Heinrich Himmler seeking to adopt a Jewish child - with Mrs Himmler shrieking repeatedly that she really really thinks it would be a bad idea.
Why ON EARTH would John Stape - a cultured, intelligent, relaxed, and clubbable man with a seemingly genuine vocation for teaching become without warning a kidnapper, murderer, liar, and desperate runaway? I do, however, have to acknowledge the brilliance of the scene with Stape lurking in the attic reading Milton's "Paradise Lost".
Why ON EARTH would gentle Graham endanger his genuine, loving relationship with Tina in favour of his ersatz wife, the (admittedly equally lovely) Xin? This is the least implausible of the three storylines, as you can sort of understand why Graham might have come to be so conflicted - after all, Xin is a quite lovely person. Even so, though, it's more than a bit implausible that Graham would surrender to temptation at this late stage of the whole eyes/wool-pulling exercise.
Yes, the cast and production crew are doing a great job of putting this guff on screen, and it is, to an extent, entertaining, but I'm afraifd it poses more questions than it answers and leaves you feeling a bit short-changed.
Ummmm..Billy? Do the words 'soap opera' mean anything? LOL ;)
Well, yes, Anon. Of course the term "soap opera" has meaning for me, as it does of course for you - or why would you be bothering to comment on a soap opera website?
LOLLLLLLL ::::))))))))
I think the producers missed a trick in the David/Kylie/Max story. It doesn't make sense why David is obsessed with Max unless ... maybe he's still grieving for the child that he and Tina didn't have. But then that would require some proper writing.
Absolutely correct, Billy Niblick. Applauds.
I don't really think it's all that out of character as a progression, for Stape to come to this point. He showed signs of being narcissistic and obssessive early on. Plus, falling into bed with Rosie so easily without one consideration for Fiz? He wanted her, he decided he would take her up on her offer and then lied continuously to cover it up even when Rosie turned out to be his student.
Rosie was his downfall and he lost his job and fiz because of it. He decided Rosie was to blame for it all, not even thinking that he wasn't taking responsibility for his own decisions as an adult. He kidnapped her and held her for 5 weeks.
Prison. Then he badgered Fiz and used emotional blackmail when she sought his help with Chesney to get her back.
He wanted to teach and nothing would get in his way. Didn't matter if it was illegal and wrong, he did it anyway by stealing someone's identity. It just all progressed from there. He'd get more and more desperate to cover his actions and continued to blame everyone else.
I'm not a bit surprised he's ended up where he has.
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