Who isn’t on Twitter these days? Not many people, at least in the entertainment business or on Coronation Street!
Flaming Nora already did a post on the “Coronation Street cast on twitter – full list” (plus some help from fans) but that was 3 months ago, and in “internet time’ three months is basically a lifetime, so I figured that I’d do an updated post for any of those who’d like to follow some of their favourite cast members new and old.
Old List:
@AndrewLancel (Andrew Lancel, plays Frank Foster)
@antonycotton (Antony Cotton, plays Sean Tully)
@BrookeLVincent (Brooke Vincent, plays Sophie Webster)
@Charliecondou (Charlie Condou, plays Marcus Dent)
@cheryleehouston (Cherylee Houston, plays Izzy Armstrong)
@craigazey (Craig Gazey, plays Graham Proctor)
@DebbieRush1 (Debbie Rush, plays Anna Windass) - “Doesn’t exist anymore”
@fountain1987 (Chris Fountain, plays Tommy Duckworth)
@georgiafoote (Georgia May Foote, plays Katy Armstrong)
@Graeme_Hawley (Graeme Hawley, plays John Stape)
@hollyquinankrah (Holly Quin Ankrah, plays Cheryl Gray)
@JackPShepherd88 (Jack P. Shepherd, plays David Platt)
@jenniemcalpine (Jennie McAlpine, plays Fiz Stape)
@juliehes (Julie Helmondshalgh, plays Hayley Cropper)
@katherine_kelly (Katherine Kelly, plays Becky McDonald)
@lane_paula (Paula Lane, plays Kylie Turner)
@michkeegan (Michelle Keegan, plays Tina McIntyre)
@ryanjamesthomas (Ryan Thomas, plays Jason Grimshaw)
@SachaLParkinson (Sacha Parkiknson, plays Sian Powers)
@shobnagulati (Shobna Gulati, plays Sunita Alahan)
New Additions:
@olivermellor (Oliver Mellor, plays Doctor Carter)
@brunolangley (Bruno Langley, plays Todd Grimshaw)
@MichaelLeVell (Michale Le Vell, plays Kevin Webster)
@RealRula (Rula Lenska, plays Claudia Colby)
@Maxeesmith (Samia Smith, plays Maria Connor)
@officialkeith (Keith Duffy, plays Ciaran McCarthy)
@msm4rsh (Kym Marsh, plays Michelle Connor)
@ElizabethTan8 (Elizabeth Tan, plays Xin Proctor)
@missmcollins (Michelle Collins, plays Stella – *new character*)
@Cath_Tyldesley (Catherine Tyldesley, plays Eva – *new character*)
@Bill_Roache (William Roache, plays Ken Barlow)
@helenflanagan1 (Helen Flanagan, plays Rosie Webster)
@DaranLittle (Daran Little – Writer)
@JOJEHARVEY (Jonathan Harvey – Writer)
Former Characters:
@rachelleskovac1 (Rachel Leskovac, played Natasha Blakeman)
@tupeledorgu (Tupele Dorgu, played Kelly Crabtree)
@ItsLucien (Lucien Laviscount, played Ben Richardson, Sophie’s former flame)
@Angela_Griffin (Angel Griffin, played Fiona Middleton)
@LucyJo_Hudson (Lucy Jo Hudson, played Katy Harris)
@sally_lindsay (Sally Lindsay, played Shelly Unwin)
@RupertHill (Rupert Hill, played Jamie Baldwin)
@Jennyfremma (Jenny Platt, played Violet Wilson)
@tinaob (Tina O’Brien, played Sarah Louise Platt)
@juliahaworth (Julia Haworth, played Claire Peacock)
@VickyEntwistle (Vicky Entwistle, played Janice Battersby)
@WandaOpalinska (Wanda Opalinska, played Wiki Dankowska)
@mrkevkennedy (Kevin Kennedy, played Curly Watts)
@NiknakOfficial (Nikki Sanderson, played Candice Stowe)
@RFleeshman (Richard Fleeshman, played Craig Harris)
@SteveHuison (Steve Huison, played Eddie Windass)
Coronation Street Blog & Blogger Affiliations (let me know if I missed you here!):
@corrie_blogger (Coronation Street Blog HERE)
@fatbrenda (Blogger Fat Brenda)
@tvordlj (Blogger TVOR)
@BluenoseCorrie (TVOR's Canadian Corrie Blog)
@wwbs (Blogger Yoork)
ITV Coronation Street Official Twitter
@itvcorrie (ITV’s Official Corrie Twitter)
I just don't get Twitter! Seems totally useless, and a complete waste of time.
@tvordlj (me)
@BluenoseCorrie (My Canadian Corrie blog)
@WeatherfieldRec (me!) :D Great list
I'm always on the hunt for Corrie actors/actresses on Twitter. Thank you very much for this list! Much appreciated.
@leeboardman [Jezz Quigley]
@SherrieHewson [Maureen Naylor]
@DeniseBlackuk [Denise Osbourne]
@theREALboyzone [Keith Duffy related]
@RealDeniseWelch [Natalie Horrocks]
@JayneTunnicliff [Yana/2010 last used]
@SusieAmy [Tony Gordon's wife]
@ZaraahAbrahams [JOanne Jackson]
@BradleyWalsh [Danny Baldwin]
@NorrisMole [Norris Cole]
@BenTHOMPSON92 [Ryan Connor]
I agree with Anonymous, call me old-fashioned but it just all seems silly to me, it exposes most of them for being incredibly shallow and vacuous...
So surprised Julie goodyear is not on there.
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