Claudia Colby is bowing out of Coronation Street, as actress Rula Lenska leaves to pursue other projects.
Claudia, first seen onscreen in December 2009, is set to depart the Street next month, paving the way for Audrey to strike up a relationship with cross-dressing Marc Selby.
The Sun reports Audrey will also embrace Marc’s secret hobby, and they’ll go on nights out together as Audrey and Marcia! They’ll be seen sharing their first onscreen kiss in July.
A real shame they’ve not managed to keep a hold of Rula Lenska, I think she’s created a classic Corrie female character in Claudia.
Yes, despite the fact that it always sounds like she can hardly move her mouth, the character is exactly the sort of strong woman character that Corrie has always had (and needed)...and she is the perfect friend/rival for Rita, as well as Audrey. Shame she's had very little intereation with Rita since she came back. I hope they bring her back before too long.
Shame that, I really like Claudia.
Can't blame Lenska for jumping ship though, considering the crap they've given her lately.
I agree - everyone is leaving apart from one's where there is no story an more just silliness. MAkes you wonder why they don't use Victoris Court. Why build it and give the possiblilty of another 20 familes or people at least if they don't use it. Dev owns a flat there and that's it
Sad to see her go, I loved the scenes she was in and her calling Audrey "aud". Great character
Ah, I'll miss Claud and her improbable hair. Be fun to see Gail's face when she finds out about Marcia though!
Sad. Aud and Claud are such perfect frenemies.
Have to say she had potential but wont be crying into my tv-times when she goes. Classic character? Not in my opinion.
Glad she's going and wish she would take that annoying Marc with her! MUTE button will be at the ready if I have to endure scenes with Audrey and Marcia.......ICK!!!
Can't believe Audrey has sunk from the magnificent days of the "Alfeh" storylines to the dross that's reported here as her furture contribution to the programme.
I couldn't understand a thing she said anyway..sounded like she had her teeth in backwards.
And the make-up...slathered on with a paint roller? Must be the same make up artist who does Rita (who always looks like a mad raccoon).
Oh dear, what is going to happen to her business, perhaps Maria could take it over and be written out. By the way what ever happened to the butchers, wasnt Rula at one time going to take it over for her chain? I dont think anything has been mentioned about it since, although I may be corrected.
You'd think Claudia would be an ideal older character for Corrie - big red hair with even bigger opinions. But I haven't felt the love for her. She enjoys her nasty put-downs a little too much for my taste. How is she a friend to R' Audrey? Perhaps with better storylines and more interaction with other characters, she would have been more fun.
Even more curious - I like Marc! He's actually rather nice and didn't push his wig-wearing ways into The Street's face. I admit this story is pushing some boundaries, so I'll wait to see whether it works or not.
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