Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Corrie's New Titles - what do you think?

50th anniversary
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I love them! The old ones were in desperate need of a change, and these new ones are very modern and contemporary looking. The music too is a welcome change, I find it sounds more like traditional Corrie. Thumbs up from me!
I can live with the titles, but I hate the new version of the music. It sounds rather thin and weedy, rather than the rich tones of the revious version
Hate the music! It's too light and frothy - lacks the grit of the original. Thought last night that it also spoiled the drama that was building when it cut away to the music at the adverts.
Love the new titles but wish they had a shot of t'Precinct instead of Manchester city centre! But great to see a good old Salford ginger tom in the limelight too. Not sure about the music though - sounded a bit 'Acorn Antiques meets The Flower Pot Men' at half time and agree with Adam that it really spoiled the drama. But good a the begining and end though.
I quite like it all, but my partner loathes both music and visuals. It's causing ructions!
Hate them. I'll be watching via Sky+ in future so that I can fast forward through them. In protest, I'll also be boycotting Harvey's for a while.
I don't really get the full value of the visual as i'm not watching in HD but i don't mind them nor the tune. Don't love them either so i think i'll get used to them.
But the whole point of HD is lost on these out of focus shots. You could have seen more detail 50 years ago on a 10" black & white set than you can now on a 50" plasma. I'm willing to bet that they'll be replaced within the year.
Ditto on hating the music - it's the piano riff in the background that tries too hard to update the theme tune as if some celebrity pianist has offerred his/her version of the Corrie intro. Can live with the visuals
- but the music update, yuk!
@Paul and Adam: well said - same goes for me
my partner laughed out loud when he heard it!
The music is AWFUL! what was wrong with the iconic theme that has served them all these years! The magic has gone for me,especially the break into andf the cosing theme. It sounds like a parody of the proper theme-someone playing it on a keyboard or for a guest appearing on a chat show. We must all write to Granada and request they change it back-EEnders did in the mid-1990's.Its our theme tune too, not there's to change!
When I first saw the new opening credits I thought maybe that's how everything is filmed in HD - i.e. fuzzy, so you have to buy a special telly so you can see the images (sort of like 3D-glasses). Luckily then the programme kicked in and I realised it was just arty credits.
I like them. In a way they are reminiscent of the credits from the mid-60s, when Salford was all smokey and black and white and life was grim oop north.
I don't mind the reworked tune either - traditionally part of it should be in a minor key to give it a somewhat poignant or mournful air.
And last but no means least: great new font!
I'd prefer if they showed the actual street and maybe a Neighbours type with characters (main) being shown. The theme tune isn't as dramatic as it used to be. The credits needed changing, but not the music imo.
I like the tune especially at the end the blurry shots are awful though
I quite liked them when I watched the video online but now I don't. I particularly hate that bit when the birds fly past, and the music is awful.
I don't see the point of HD if they're going to make them fuzzy. Plus, they keep showing close-ups of things for no noticeable reason. It's like someone told the graphics department they were supposed to do it in HD and they misheard it as "3D".
rubbish rubbish and rubbish. Someone trying to be arty (and wasting $ into the bargain).
Bring back the old credits we know and love. Who owns a cat on t' nation st anyway?
all my family hate the new credits. All are long-time corrie fans. Its just change for changes sake.
i dont mind the music but i hate the blurry images !
i think they should have just stuck with the old one it was perfectely fine plus most people prefare it ! :) still i will always luv corrie!
I totally hate it!!! We just got it in the states and I immediately looked online to see why they changed. They need to bring back the old intro and music! Old-fashioned feel is the charm of Coronation Street!
I think the music works nicely. It's less "brassy", with a more melancholy feel. I think that corresponds well with the times.. the world is in kind of a tough period right now, economically.. a lot of popular culture reflects that. The visuals are beautiful. All but the last shot has the same kind of weak sunlight so characteristic of Britain, and the final scene is a sunset over terraced house chimneys...perfect.
Hate is a very strong word. That being said............I HATE the new opening credits. Makes my ears and eyes bleed.
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