The first is Gail's dad, Ted Page. We know the actor has been doing this so he's been unavailable for filming in Corrie, but still, what with the court case and Gail in jail, you'd've thought he would at least have been mentioned. Does NuNick even know he's got a grandad?
And where's Aunty Pam with her knock-off ham?
Any more characters that you're missing?
I think Nick met Ted at Christmas and i have heard Ted mentioned once or twice during Gail's troubles. She was also on the phone to him in the car after she was set free, just as they arrived back on the street.
We haven't seen Molly since she got home after the accident either, or barely. Sally will be back in July! Yay!
I miss Amber. Shouldn't she be coming home for summer holidays, errr, to slave away in the shop, or is she spending the summer in Finland with her mom? Even for a short run, any story would be better with her in it. Dev, call her!
Ted's last appearance was in 29 January 2010. We know Sally and Betty are off sick. Emily hasn't been for a while but it seems she'll appear next week.
I'm glad this has been mentioned as it's something that quietly drives me nuts. It's as if the viewer is not even worth the effort to have another character concoct a story for their absence - just a mention of "Oh so-and-so phoned..."
In any workplace, if someone is absent from work, colleagues, customers even, always nosily enquire after them until their curiosity is satisfied - that is all except for Coronation Street; where the characters neither ask nor show any interest in someone's mysterious absence or whereabouts!
I miss Ted and Auntie Pam too. It's outrageous that they at Corrie think we'll not question where Ted's been for the entirety of Gail's imprisonment.
Also a bit strange that although Gail's daughter Sarah couldn't have flown over to lend her mum support; she wasn't even mentioned or an excuse given or perhaps I missed it.
I'm missing Gary actually! I know we've seen a bit of him lately, but I thought there might be a better storyline with him being in the army and all. Like maybe he comes back a hero (i know he already is for serving, but an acclaimed hero or something). I don't know...
I miss Aunty Pam and Ted also...but...if there's anyone else,I guess they just weren't that great! although, I kinda miss Mammy Connor although I couldn't stand her half the time! She should come back instead of Maria!
I really miss Ted - I think I noticed Gail phoning him after court or something, which is kind of a fig leaf. I can live without Aunty Pam and Molly, unless there is a really good storyline.
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