How does Tyrone feel about Alina’s pregnancy?
Well he certainly didn’t see it coming and it did come as a huge shock. Tyrone saw Alina as an exciting new life and a way out of the rut he was in, but she’s now pregnant, so he wonders if he’s swapped one life for the same life. He’s trying to play the supportive partner and he is happy now he’s getting used to the idea but it certainly isn’t what he envisaged. He’s a good Dad and I’m sure he’s going to be thrilled starting a family with Alina, but also he knows what it takes and maybe that’s part of the reason that he’s thinking – wow, it’s not this exciting new motorbike-riding lifestyle that I’m going to be living after all.
He’s obviously moved on from Fiz but this week we see Fiz moving on herself and going on a date, how does Tyrone feel about that?
He doesn’t take it well that Fiz is moving on – the green-eyed monster is there – and he makes a drunken fool of himself! They’re in the bistro and Tyrone is on a date with Alina too but he can’t concentrate for watching Fiz and Phil. It gets to him, he’s not really sure why, but he can’t help himself from making some snide comments.
Why do you think he’s so bothered?
He thought he’d seen this exciting new life and now that Alina is pregnant it’s not what he imagined. Fiz is moving on and it’s a real eye-opener for him. He thinks that Fiz is just sat at home crying and then when he realises that she’s not he gets very jealous and a bit bitter about it. He takes a swing at Phill and misses and makes a drunken fool of himself.
Does Tyrone really know what he wants?
He’s feeling a bit lost at the moment. He’s got a lot going on – there are lots of other people that are unhappy in his life – his children, Fiz and he’s got some issues with Alina. Tyrone is a people pleaser and right now he’s not pleasing anybody and that’s hard for him.
Tyrone has always been a viewers favourite, how does it feel to be playing the villain for once?
I don’t think he’s up there with the bad guys just yet, but for sure he’s let people down. There was never an intention to hurt people. He was a bit bored and plodding through life and he just found himself in this situation where he was presented with what he thought was going to be a new exciting life and he ran with it.
Would you like to see Tyrone and Fiz back together?
Personally, as an actor, or course I would love that, we’ve worked together for a long time and I love working with Jennie McAlpine who plays Fiz. She’s a joy. But I don’t know what will happen. Whether they can reconcile their differences on screen, we’ll have to wait and see. I’m sure that will be a long way away even if they do.

Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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I don't think Tyrone is the 'villain' of the storyline either,he lets Fiz ztay in his house with the girls and never abandoned them paying child support for
both girls[even though Hope is not his biologiocal daughter].
Fis has been emotionally abusive and nagging to Tyrone for years and he got tired of it.
I think Fiz is becoming the'villain'for wanting to air their dirty laundry to a reporter but yet it seems Tyrone is not allowed to offer his side of the story to Daniel?
As for Phil,Fiz's new love interest,I wonder if he's the same Phil who raped Toyah many years ago?
I think there may be more than one guy named "Phil" in Greater Manchester!
Tyrone isn't "letting" Fiz and the kids stay in his house. By law he cannot get rid of Fiz as long as she has the kids as the kids need to have a roof over their heads. He is doing the right thing even as you say Hope isn't his biological daughter, he sees her as his own
Anonymous[16;57]I know there may be more than one Phil but in Corrieland you never know.
I think it would add a dramatic twist to the storyline if the Phil that Fiz dates is the same Phil[he must be out of jail by now] who raped Toyah.
Considering that Fiz once dumped Kirk for pschyopath John Stape,who's to say that this Phil isn't a pschyo either?
Thankfully, it's a different "Phil". I really don't think Corrie needed to revisit that storyline for Toyah.
Jeanie--I think the question is why does Fiz stay in the house with the girls? Why doesn't Tyrone stay while Fiz moves out? It's clear that they're both primary care-givers so there is no reason to assume that Fiz should stay and he should go. Also I think the house was his before he became involved with Fiz so technically it should still be his property, just as any assets Fiz had when she entered the relationship are hers alone. So, again, letting her stay in the house with both kids and his grandmother while he moves out AND pays child support is pretty generous. And on top of that, it's not as though Fiz and he have been together for a super long time--what has it been, maybe three or four years? So, it's hardly the case of a middle-aged wife who's been dumped by her middle-aged husband after giving him the best twenty years of her life.
Anon @ 20:21 - according to Coronation St Wiki, they have been together since 2012.
Anon @ 20:21 - according to Coronation St Wiki, they've been together since 2012.
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