Week of Monday 17 February to Friday 21 February
Roy returns, Tina's caught at Peter's flat, Dennis leaves Rita for Gloria, Todd snogs Marcus - and will Steph move in with Tina?
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Despite her protests to the contrary, Tina is a tart and can be bought - in every sense of the word!
Why can't folk just leave Roy alone?! If he wants to work/be around people, someone's moaning at him about it. If he wants to be alone, someone's moaning about it. Just leave the man alone to sort himself out!
And good riddance Gloria - you nasty old hag!
They should have paired Dennis up with Gloria long ago - they seem more natural than him and Yoda..I mean Rita.
Damn shame about Dennis. They brought him back and then didn't know what to do with him. Pairing him up with Rita was based on nostalgia and that never works. He could have been a Del boy character with Rita forever rescuing him. A lot of possibilities all ignored. Mind you, tptb wasted Gloria too.
Poor old Dennis who wouldn't go for Gloria instead of frumpy old Rita.What i can't understand is who would want the clueless old sod.I mean he had to be shown how to use a credit card/cash card there are people in Papua New Guinea more clued up on modern life.
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