The last thing Roy needs is the insurance to refuse to pay out, but does that mean that they will have to go through his drawers? Where is he? Well he’s not at Auntie Jean’s and Sylvia is apparently in Tenerife. The core of the problem between Anna and Fiz is their difference of approach to the Roy problem. If Roy did have a mobile phone, doubtless he wouldn’t keep it on, so getting hold of him would be frustrating still, not to mention impossible.
Talking to the police about Roy, Fiz mentioned that, ‘All he has is heartbreak and guilt.’ Immediately the police woman seizes upon the word guilt and asks, ‘Guilt about what?’ Fiz is swift thinking and at least for now, the police woman is satisfied with the answer Fiz gives which is that Roy feels guilty for ‘being the one left behind.’ Nice work Fiz. She must know that that is a common psychological problem.But where is Roy? As the police say, ‘People do strange things when they don’t want to be found.’
From one sadness to another and this time it’s Rita’s story. It’s been coming for a while and tonight it reached a climax of sorts. So Dennis is infatuated with Gloria, or should that be Marianne Faithful and has started to dress as a much younger man. The phrase, ‘There’s no fool like an old fool’ couldn’t fit more appropriately than to Dennis. The pathos of the leather jacket, the slicked back hair and the pendant can be seen by others but not by Dennis himself and that is the way of these things.
Poor Rita – watching Dennis so desperate to gain Gloria’s attention is heart breaking for her as well as humiliating. In the bistro, horrified at the goings-on Rita announces, ‘I’m off to The Rovers.’ Dennis says he’ll come too, but Rita tells him in the firmest of tones that it wasn’t an invitation and heads off alone. Dennis does join her though and it might have been better if he hadn’t. ‘Take that jacket off,’ she orders. She points out that what he is doing is madness, but he says it’s essential to take risks. Rita points out that there are risks and there is foolhardiness. ‘Gloria believes in me’ says Dennis. Rita doesn’t hold back and describes Gloria, accurately as ‘a conniving, malicious trollop’ then adds to that ‘a cheap, manipulating, conniving, money-grabber’ and who could argue? Then comes the hammer blow from Dennis. ‘She’s also ten years younger than you.’ Rita is aghast and says, ‘Well, well, well. That outfit has made you brave.’ Dennis does apologise, but it feels too late.
This is Rita! How dare anyone insult Rita? Tina did her best to comfort her and told her what we’re all wanting to tell her, that Rita is ‘a thousand times the woman she is.’ Very upset Rita takes a look back over the years and says how the men who she chose let her down and the words still hurt and the mascara still runs. She hopes that Tina will make better choices. ‘Tell me you’ll choose better.’ Hope you’re listening Tina because even Peter Barlow tells you that you deserve someone better.
Liz is watching in the background as Carla and Tina talk, Carla being particularly kind towards Tina and giving her a kiss. When Tina’s affair with Peter comes out it will be all the more galling for Carla and for us, to see the trust that Carla placed in Tina, thrown back in her face.
Todd continues in his pursuit of Marcus and having secured Marcus’ mobile number, the first text he sends is a X. He also allows Marcus to jump the taxi queue risking the wrath of Norris. At the moment Todd just seems to be in the way, not serving much of a purpose and amazingly has kept his job at Streetcars.
Who enjoyed the evening out at the bistro? Steve? Michelle? Andrea? Lloyd? .Well a best guess would be that Michelle might have enjoyed it a bit and maybe Lloyd too but what about Steve and Andrea? It is clear that Andrea is strongly attracted to Steve, but it’s more ambivalent with Steve. He probably is attracted to Andrea but how can he possibly admit that to himself, let alone anyone else, when he is with Michelle?
Rob and Tracy are back together. Before this is confirmed though Tracy gets in a couple of insults to Tina who has the audacity to walk past Barlow’s Bargains. ‘Jog on you chav!’ is the first and the second is simply ‘slag.’
Eva is twenty-six and apparently that means you’re a grown up. Tony bought an expensive present for his prospective daughter- in–law. Tony also gives a rather drooling Liz some encouragement. So what was all that about?
Right at the end we close with Fiz berating herself for not taking care of Roy as she had promised Hayley she would. ‘I should have known, I should have seen it a mile off.’ Where can he be? Even if he is found, he will still be lost, without Hayley.
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The trouble with the constant snipes Rita gave Dennis over wanting to be in a band of Michelle's digs at Steve for wanting to go to college (even though she wanted a career a few months back) or not having a visectomy is that if the characters were reversed and we had male characters treating female characters this way, it would be considered an abuse storyline.
Great review! I enjoyed both eps tonight and I'm glad that Corrie are attempting to soften Tracy - showing a slightly more maternal and loving to her. Whether it is to last long remains to be seen. The whole Todd/Marcus thing is still bubbling away and I agree he does seem to be getting him in the way. As if the script writers are just giving him bits here and there but surely for the foreseeable Todd's sole mission will not be just to pursue Marcus - if it is - how boring and waste of an decent actor/character. I would like to see Tony be a bit softer with Jason to be honest, the whole lad bravado seems a bit misplaced especially knowing how Jason is and how he's longed for a father figure it all seems a bit odd to me. Don't know it anyone feels the same. The whole Tina thing is boring (as much as I did find it amusing when Tracy was insulting Tina) we all know Tina is to go back to Peter despite poor Rita's plea for her to choose someone decent and not make the same mistakes she had. It's nice that Carla trusts Tina and as you said we'll see the pain Carla has to face when she realizes the betrayal. As I often scan twitter during Corrie most nights, alot of people were berating Fiz and the actress who plays her. The general consensus was that she is whiny and irritating, unsympatheic etc... just general negativity. I happen to like Fiz and yes she has been quite miserable as of late (as expected and as most women on the street currently are) her position and views are understandable. I get why Anna didn't want to phone Roy but Fiz felt obliged to keep tabs on him as she'd promised Hayley to do so. But overall a good episode but I wish for things to become more fast paced now and comical. And I'm all sure we agree on that! ..
I thought Fiz was horrible to Anna last night! She really got on my nerves. Good episodes though and loved Gail's reference to Suzie Birchall going to London!
Sick of Fizz mouthing off at Anna yesterday and the stupid selfish mardy little cow nearly dropping Roy in it to the police. She doesnt have the monopoly on Roy just because they fostered her for a few months years ago! Tyrone could do far better than her. And no sympathy for a whining Rita either, she has treated Dennis like something on her shoe (loved his Fonzie outfit yesterday) and now she is surprised that he prefers anothers company. As for the ridiculous 'farewell' party for Tina - Frosty cannot be bothered to comment on this nonsense.
I was dying for someone to ask Gail what happened to Susie. Surely they're friends on Facebook. Along with Tricia Hopkins.
I doubt if someone Gails age would be on facebook. Why would anyone ask what happened to suzie, nobody else knew her.
The sudden flare-up between Fizz and Anna seemed very contrived, when they've both got Roy's best interests at heart.
And even if Anna didn't have the sense to turn off the stop cock first, any plumber I have ever known would certainly have done so. Owen however faffed about looking for the source of the leak first. Not at all realistic. And even Anna would surely have known to turn it off first before getting out her mop and bucket?
And yet again we're in a situation where every single time Tina goes outside, Peter just happens to be walking past. Have them bump into each other in one of the shops or the pub if you must, but please stop this constant running into each other in the street. It's so overused, and the viewer expects it, so it loses any dramatic impact.
Plenty of people Gail's age on facebook.
Fiz is still smarting from Anna knowing more than she did about Hayley's condition. It's quite realistic that they would squabble like two sisters where there's a bit of a sub-text. The most obvious thing would have been for Fiz to ring Roy's aunt just to check he got there OK, but then we wouldn't have had last night's episode. I guess we have to suspend our disbelief from time to time.
I wonder if it will come out in scenes between Rita and Dennis that their physical relationship is nil. Was that what Dennis meant about Gloria being ten years younger? It would be very interesting if Corrie touched on the fact that people marrying in later life may have different needs.
I am totally in with Frosty on this one! Fizz drove me absolutely doolally last night. Shut up already. Enough with all the moaning and griping. Does she own Roy? He's a grown man and where were you all the years you were chasing a psychopath husband?
All of a sudden she's the expert on Roy and his life.
And what does Hayley's method of dying have to do with him being missing? How will the police knowing that she took her life a bit precipitately help them find him? What a ridiculous plot point by the writers, the drama of Anna with a dodgy look at Fizz "hiding" the suicide of Hayley...what rubbish. He's simply taking time off on his own, get over it.
And I won't even touch the Tina rubbish again....I thought she was about to leave again so why does she stay?? I thought these episodes were mostly eye-rolling material..also Michelle's sudden interest in being a "pal" with Andrea after her inexcusable cow behaviour before around her.
I'll be the contrarian re: Anna & Fiz. I was so bothered with Anna pushing back Fiz who considered Roy & Hayley her parents, and as we saw over the last few weeks, considered her their daughter. Just because they don't suffocate each other as the Platts do doesn't mean the family concept isn't there. Fiz knew what to do right away, Anna didn't. The price of eggs went up is news that can wait until he gets home; there was an accident and your business had to shut down isn't. They both behaved badly, but Fiz was at least no worse than Anna.
Re: Poo Pah and Facebook, if that's the consensus among the writers and crew, then no wonder the oldies seem so poorly understood. I sell electronics. Young people are getting over FB and moving onto other platforms. Older folk, not all but many, use social media to keep up with friends and interests and video calling (Skype,...) to visit far off family. If they don't use it themselves, they wish they did and have a good friend who does. I wouldn't bat an eyelash if Gail and Susie reconnected via FB. I've done it, it's a lot of fun and it would make a neat background story. I'm just glad they remembered Gail & Tina have a relationship.
Dennis looked like an idiot. Rita has been behaving horribly. Gloria is kind of fun when she has something to do besides play barmaids with Stella. You'd think they'd have the sense to try and work it out. What a waste of talent and potential were Dennis and Gloria.
Poo Pah - I have an I-Pad, I'm on Facebook and I'm a 67 year old dinosaur.
YOung people are leaving facebook in droves because all their parents and grandparents have taken over! LOL
I think Anna is deep down glad that she does not have to deal with Roy right now. I think Fiz is behaving in an expected manner. Both ladies are at least still dealing with Hayley's death...unlike carefree Carla whose job is done and she is now busy playing matchmaker and planning trips to Paris.
Serves Rita right...when did she become so nasty nasty nasty? The writers are odd aren't they.
I am a Tracy fan and I am loving her with Rob. The Barlow house is my favourite now...Rob and his ladies! lol
I also think the physical relationship between Dennis and Rita is nil. She treats him like a child and no one wants to sleep with their mum (ew). For me, they never worked as a couple. He is far more suited to Gloria. I'm not a fan of Rita, her penchant for latching on to young women "because you remind me of meeeee" shows her big headedness. Her treating her husband like he was her son and never her equal. I'm afraid I really have no sympathy for her at all. Smelloid
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