While Leanne was busy with the bar, Peter was seeking help from Carla Connor with his drinking problem. Carla made a pass at Peter, and despite being tempted, he remained loyal to Leanne. However, Leanne was embarking on an affair with Nick. Nick begged Leanne not to marry Peter, but Leanne went on to plan to marry Peter. But tragedy struck when a gas fault led to the bar to explode and a tram ran onto the street. Peter, Nick and Ashley were under the rubble. Ashley perished while Peter’s life hung in the balance. Peter and Leanne had a deathbed wedding but Peter recovered but was temporarily paralyzed. They later planned to have a blessing on Valentine’s Day. But Nick was determined to quash the Barlow marriage and manipulated Peter to start drinking again. Peter eventually found out about the affair and exposed it at the blessing and announced they were divorcing but they later reunited.
Later in the year, Peter started seeing Carla again and when she was raped by boyfriend Frank Foster, Peter was there for her and they began an affair but during Frank’s trial, Peter had to confess under oath about the affair. The Barlow marriage was over and Carla moved in with Peter.
Over the next few months, Peter and Leanne would have a fierce custody battle for Simon but Leanne won custody. Since, they have been on friendly terms and Leanne has remarried Nick.
Were you fans of Peter and Leanne? Should they reunite? Should they be at 14?
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After what they made Peter into with these recent storylines, I would say no. She deserves better than this.
Agree with Anon at 13.34. Peter's been ruined and I don't see any way back for him.
If only we could go back in time, they were (could be) my favourite couple.
I really liked Leanne and Peter as a couple. I am not sure they would be good together now. We do not want a Sally and Kev on our hands do we....that is another couple I loved but now feel they both need to move on. I am looking forward to Kev coming back....but I am dreading him thinking the only woman in the world for him is Sal.
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