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Tuesday 11 February 2014

Fiz Stape - Weatherfield's one woman Mafia

There has been something really unlikable about Fiz lately, not only does she shout at Roy's friends, she made a point of being nasty to Roy days after he'd lost Hayley.

It seems almost as if she saw herself as the most important person in Hayley's life, even before Hayley died, it seemed like she wanted to make Hayley's situation all about herself.

Poor Anna and Jenna who came into a flooded cafe, decided not to trouble the recently bereaved Roy, after all, as far as they knew he'd been with his mother for the past week, but in Fiz's mind, Roy had been gone far too long. Anna did her best to cope with the flood without calling Roy, but it simply was enough for the Stape family Mafia, who scowled at Anna's attempts to deal with the situation.

What do you make of Fiz's recent behaviour? Is she right to meddle in Roy's life as much as she has been doing? It's fair enough that she's concerned, but she never gave poor Roy any space to grieve in his own way.

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Peter said...

Stape has become SO unlikeable. Shouty, rude, selfish. A good storyline would be Tyrone leaving her for Anna when Owen loses all his money and Anna loses her home as a result.

Can't stand Fiz.

Anonymous said...

From the moment when the undertakers arrived at Roy's to remove Hayley's body ... I have been really pissed at Fiz. Roy went into the bedroom to spend some last minutes with his wife before the undertakers did what they had to do. Roy was in there mere seconds before Fiz was right there, patting him on the shoulder.

And she's been an incessant pest ever since.

He hasn't had space to himself, so it's no wonder he took off for parts unknown.

Fiz has suddenly become his shadow and I hate it. When your spouse has died, sometimes you just wanna be ALONE. And it can actually be very uncomfortable and disconcerting to have people around you all the time.

I know.

~JB in Canada

Anonymous said...

Fiz (and possibly Anna) will end up getting Roy into massive legal trouble, and he'll be implicated in Hayley's death and charged. Calling it now.

Annie said...

I've known people like this.... people who think of themselves as the most important person in someone's life, but only in their own mind. Their selfish behaviour is just unbearable...

Anonymous said...

Not looking forward to more of Fizz's pushing herself into Roy's life. She is just starting here in Canada and obviously she is getting much worse in U.K. She was a "friend" of Hayley's not a relative and needs to back off.

Humpty Dumpty said...

I don't think there's a lot to choose between Fiz and Anna when it comes to interfering in Roy's life. Carla's only keeping out of it atm because she's interfering in Tina's life. Lot of busybodies on that street. We hear that Roy will be thankful to the women when they go through their own problems and will try to repay their kindness. We can only assume then that Fiz and co are meant to be seen as helpful. Comes down to rubbish writing if we're getting the wrong end of the stick.

Unknown said...

Poor Fix...girl's angry! Angry Haley dies, that she took her own life and she didn't know any of this..till it was over and done with. Seems she's taking the promise she made to Haley to take care of Roy way too serious. Somebody's gotta get their bitch on...why not Fix who feels so cheated. Roy"s on walk-about and doesn't know what end he's standing on. Don't we all find ourselves wanting to p protect him. Hope he's in Blackpool reminiscing....

Anonymous said...

Good grief! It is one thing to see people post negative things about Fiz in the comment section but to see such a writeup as this really makes me shake my head.
I take it that Fiz is going to be on the hit list now.
I think the only safe Corrie actors are the ones who are not getting screen time.

Anonymous said...

She is Cilla's daugher...

Chewy said...

Fiz is definately being written to be unlikable at the moment, she was just plain nasty to Anna on Monday, for no real reason.

Vicky said...

I think she is dealing with Haley's death the only way she knows how to! She hasn't grieved yet and I think when that happens the old Fiz will be back.

Just leave Roy ALONE!! said...

Today in Canada, we saw Fiz shouting the odds at Roy, Anna and bawling at Carla because she'd found out that Hayley ended her life and no one told Fiz about it. Granted, Fiz is in mourning and wishing she'd said all the things she wanted to say to Hayley before she died. However, today was just too much, with Fiz going on about how she never got to say good-bye, never got to say all the things she wanted to say, had planned to do something nice for Hayley every day. Yes, Fiz considered Roy and Hayley her parents and felt left out but her response was 100% self-absorbed. Irrational outbursts are certainly part of the grieving process but I honestly wished that Roy had slapped her across the face and knocked some sense into her rather than just explaining that Fiz was being cruel when she asked for a blow-by-blow account of Hayley's last moments on Earth.

abbyk said...

I feel like I watched the wrong show last night. Yes, Fiz was bossy, but as a reaction to Anna, who was just as shouty. Everyone grieves differently. Anna is almost 20 years older, has more life experience and clearly didn't have the right answers to the problem at hand. She's also not family. I can't think of one small business owner who wouldn't want to know that there was an unusual problem that shut him down for a day, will cost a lot of money to fix, and will cost even more if they can't contact his insurance company. During the funeral, no, but 10 days later, yeah. Then let him decide if he wants to be involved or delegate.

Anonymous said...

Fiz is just vile atm and I can't stand her voice

Frosty the Snowman said...

Never been a fan of Fiz and her disagreeble screwed up little face. She does not have the monoploy on Roy and it all seems to be about HER and her feeling aggregrieved that she was not told of Haily's suicide plan. Bursts into the cafe and just criticises. Roy is an adult. Do one luv.

Anonymous said...

Fiz is a selfish idiot who is just throwing her toys out of the pram all because no-one let her in on what Hayley's plan to end her life. Just go away already!

Anonymous said...

If spitting venom was an Olympic sport, then some people on here would have won a ticket to Sochi. Yeah, okay, so she was a bit OTT, but surely the writers are just trying to show that people deal with grief differently, and someone's not very well. A bit of empathy might go a long way.

The Boom said...

Well pardon US for daring to debate anything on this board or have shock horror an OPINION. Lets all be happy clappy about everything and say how we LOVE everybody and every storyline - frankly pathetic and boring as heck

Newfy Pearl said...

Sad that you used the face of Fiz responding to a prison bully in a very stressful situation that went on for weeks. This is not Fiz.
I agree with abbyk that Anna did not help the situation and Fiz is younger. She has also been through a lot....and felt a closeness with Roy and Hayley like no one else in her life It was a stinging blow - and who was there to comfort her? Surely not Anna who as Anonymous pointed out seems glad to be rid of Roy or Carla who has quickly moved on.
Can no one understand Fiz's hurt? Maybe the writers should have written her happy this week? Would that have made everyone happy?
BLAME THE WRITERS PEOPLE! The characters run hot and cold to us because of the words that are literally put in their mouths. This is why they do not change...they would rather get a reaction than none at all.
Also...I feel that her reaction to what is going on in her life is very 'human'. Not everyone grieves the the same way.
Also she may not have the monopoly on Roy....but who else will be willing to take him on? I do not see a queue - for the rest of the street Roy is out of sight out of mind.
And finally - as for her "screwed up face" - I was getting a little tired of Fiz's calm placid face. I like to see a little emotion - makes her more real.

Chewy said...

Good point about the picture, I'll swap it for a screenshot of last nights episode. Don't get me wrong, I do usually like Fiz, but at the moment she seems different.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like Fiz behaviour when she found Anna and Jenna mopping. Shouting's not going to stop the flood, love. Was no need for her being so nasty either. I don't blame Roy for taking flight with that lot flapping around him and bossing him all the time Smelloid

Chartreuse said...

What I could not understand was that they thought Roy´s insurance policy would be among his personal stuff! Is yours? Mine is in a concertina file - the entire file marked Household! Nothing personal included - unless you mean financial information!

Anonymous said...

I think the writers want to convey the message that Fiz is in shock. Grief effects people in ways you can't imagine - they say and do really terrible things sometime because they can't deal with the death of a loved one. The writers want us to believe that Haley was a main character in this soap but she wasn't. The actor had left the soap a couple of years back, to take on another acting gig and was barely missed. That was the time Roy's mum showed up. Haley returned and the show moved on.

Ba ba Boy said...

What has Anna being a few years older than Fizz got to do with anything? Fizz aint a teenager she must be around 30? And yes Leave Roy alone, no wonder he disappeared without Trace the way theses 3 old witches were flapping around him sticking their beaks in. Now they are poking around in his flat in his personal items, sheesh!

Anonymous said...

There has to be a continuation of the Hayley death storyline to keep Roy involved with other characters.

Really, when you think of Roy, you don't think of him interacting meaningfully with anyone, especially now with Hayley gone.

If Fiz, who was closest to them both from way back, just shed a few tears and got on with it, where would be the tie-in from someone who promised to "look after Roy" and keep him involved with her family?

I think Fiz was very hurt to be left out, and confused about the circumstances, but she did apologize to Roy and her facial expressions of grief and sadness were excellent as she and Roy talked.

I just really hope that Fiz doesn't now feel it her moral duty to do anything rash regarding the situation, that would be harder to watch with any credibility.

Dubcek said...

I hardly think that when Hayley told Fiz to look after Roy she meant to take over running the cafe and bossing the staff around.
I thought it meant to keep him interacting with his neighbours and involved with Fiz, Tyrone and the kids not behave as if Roy was incapable of looking after himself and the business.
For someone who accused Roy of abusing her she has some nerve barging in and taking over as if she is the heir apparent to his business.
Simply put I don't like her at all, she continually butts into things that are not her concern.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to read that this Fiz thing is escalating, we haven't seen this yet in Canada.
"Heir apparent"? to the business? This sounds ominously like a long drawn out storyline featuring Fiz, and of course Ty and Roy, coming up.
If characters have it in their contracts that they must have so-many featured appearances, it must be a dizzying task in the writer's room.
And we thought we knew Fiz.
These characters have more facets to their personalities that a cut diamond.

Zagg said...

Wow, I have to say I am surprised at a lot of the responses here. I think over the years they definitely conveyed the fact that Hayley was a real mother to Fiz. I think her reactions now are quite normal, given their relationship.
Why do people assume that a husband or spouse is entitled to 100% of the grief and everything must be centered around them?
Everybody has relationships that are different but just as strong. In fact, I'd say in a lot of cases the parent/child relationship trumps spouses. Everybody who knows the deceased person is entitled to their feelings and I think they have done a good job conveying Fiz's obvious grief for the loss of Hayley who she saw as a mother.

Newfy Pearl said...

Dubcek...Fiz was a troubled teen at the time and I do believe Roy and Hayley forgave her and never mentioned this afterwards.
Zagg...I wholeheartedly agree with your comment.
Wow! I cannot believe how upsetting it is to read such nasty comments about Fiz. lol
I met Jennie when she came to St. John's and she was just adorable. She looked so lovely that I told her if Corrie dressed her up like that for the show people would say 'Carla who?" lol

Chewy said...

@Newfy Pearl, people are mainly just angry at the character of Fiz, rather than Jennie, who is playing Fiz's character very well.

Newfy Pearl said...

I realise that there is a difference between the actress and the character. I do feel however that Fiz is a character we have been able to watch grow from a troubled young teen to a young woman who has made mistakes along the way and is now in a loving relationship with Tyrone - another character from similar background.
I am just amazed that a character like Fiz can so quickly become so misunderstood and vilified. Especially when many of us see her actions as reasonable....if that makes sense. LOL Anyway, I am done. I have voiced my opinion on this I shall move on. :-)

Newfy Pearl said...

By the way Chewy..thanks for changing the pic. Very nice of you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Although I do like Fiz,right now she is driving me up the wall.Roy has just returned home and now Fiz wants to go through Hayley's belongings with him?Why can't she just let Roy do it alone when he wants too?It also seems that Fiz has forgotten she has a job and a child to look after as all she seems to do is check on Roy.


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