TINA’S PLANS TO LEAVE WEATHERFIELD GO AWRY Simon’s upset to learn that Tina’s moving away and when Peter bumps into her, he begs her not to leave. Tina’s left confused, but can she find another reason to stay?
SEARCH PARTIES FAIL TO FIND ROY Fiz apologises to Anna for snapping at her earlier over Roy. They make up and agree they both just want Roy back safe and sound. Deciding to set up a search party, will they be able to trace Roy’s whereabouts?
DENNIS HAS AN UNLIKELY ALLY Dennis tries to apologise to Rita for the awful things he said but Rita’s too hurt to listen and rebuffs him. Seeing how upset Rita is over Dennis, will Tina change her plans and stay in Weatherfield to support her friend and will Gloria come to Dennis’ rescue?
ELSEWHERE Todd lies to Marcus telling him he’s spoken to his estate agent friend and Lloyd’s in seventh heaven when he receives a text from Andrea with four kisses.
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If Frosty hears "Tina is going to leave Weatherfield" one more time!!! This whole tedium business had been so totally over egged as to have become totally preposterous! NOBODY CARES!!!
I may be pulling back the curtain on the wizard but this has been niggling at me.....Does this blog have a connection to ITV?
Otherwise how do we get the previews of a show (who guards their copyright like pitbulls on Youtube) a full day before the show airs?
I was just wondering...because if they do have a connection - then all of our comments and such must be seen by TPTB.
Not trying to stir the pot...just honestly wondering.
I guess we have a few more months watching Tina come and go, walk around - stare longingly at Peter while Carla fawns around her, even though she didn't give Tina the time of day a few months ago.
I really take offence to the way the writers have once again given a character a personality transplant. Dennis was quite alright being Rita's bitch, but that wasn't good enough. Now the old bird has to go through yet another heartache as Dennis bogs off with Gloria. Gloria and Dennis should have been set up from the beginning IMO. Rita has become a vile, miserable woman and crying in the pub while telling Tina, (who by the way, didn't even tell Rita goodbye the last time she left for London) to find true love or whatever nonsense she was blathering on about.
The writers have to really pull up their socks - or this is going to be a quick ride downhill IMO.
It really spoils the drama when we know months beforehand that an actor is leaving. The characters of Marcus, Tina, Peter, Gloria, Dennis (any others?) are going so we can guess how their storylines will develop. Really, what is the point of telling us? Even if it gets leaked, tptb could make no comment and we'd have a bit more suspense than now. We're just waiting for the inevitable finales atm.
I'd like to feel bad for Rita, I really would. However, she has dumped some real crap on Dennis in the last few months. Is his remark about Gloria being 10 years younger any worse than Rita telling him he was basically gutter trash when she found him? I can't remember the exact words she used...something about winos and drunks or whatever. I do remember wincing when she said it and thinking...wow that was REALLY below the belt.
I used to like Rita and I used to hate Gloria. Now? Hmmmm....I am thinking Gloria is a much better match for Dennis. I have always thought Rita was too old for him. It just seemed their pairing was contrived for the sake of bringing in a past character.
How Tina can console Rita on her 'cheating' husband is a bit rich when she's wrecking another marriage at the other end of the street. I hate both stories and can't wait for them to end.
How the writers can write such drivel with Peter newly married and making gooey eyes and a girl young enough to be his daughter is, well sickening. I just fast forward through those scenes now, Absolute tosh from the start.
I did like Rita and Audrey together last night though.
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