Here are my highs and lows from last night's hour long special. Let's start with the positives:
- "Come to Deirdre!" Anne Kirkbride was back on good form as Deirdre returned to the action from Canada. The sight of Deirdre trundling round the Rovers with her mistletoe crown was pure joy.
- One of the best lines of the night went to my favourite, Audrey Roberts. As the Platts/Tilsleys/Prices celebrated Christmas in the Bistro, Audrey's comment about where we were up to with Gail's surnames cracked me up! And it's still McIntyre for anyone who cares.
- Roy and Hayley continue to shine whenever they are featured. Their bitter sweet final Christmas delivered, although like Roy, I was frustrated by their constant interruptions. The sight of Hayley watching the Amsterdam DVD brought a tear to many an eye I'm sure.
- Sally Webster was on brilliantly snobbish form when she helped out at the soup kitchen - definitely a highlight despite dreary daughter Sophie's burgeoning new romance with the girl who "trifled" with Sal.
- I do like Andrea so far, she seems like good fun. I can see her and Lloyd making a good couple, although hopefully her presence will also make Steve realise just how much the miserable Michelle is dragging him down. Her jealousy is just outrageous!
Last night's Christmas special was by no means perfect though. Some aspects really got on my nerves:
- Why must it snow every Christmas? It's a small point but it really is cliched and is becoming very old hat. Weatherfield really is like the Bermuda Triangle when it comes to festive weather.
- That dreadfully forced singsong in the Rovers - what was that all about?! Poor Rita didn't even get a look in. Like the snowball fight, it felt like a really forced attempt at showing the warmth of the Corrie community, despite all the depressing storylines going on around it. Unlike the singsong which took place when Hilda left the show back in 1987, this just didn't work for me.
- Oh the Platts. What can I say? There was a real moment of drama when Nick lashed out at Leanne, however I am wondering just how much more they can wring out of these scenarios. Kylie's drunken rampage is far too reminiscent of anything Becky did in her time. Even the horrific intervention at the nativity was nothing Peter Barlow hasn't done before.
- Peter and Tina. Yikes. This already feels like old news. Peter is particularly pathetic in all this. He's just gone through with his fifth marriage and he's already making overtures at a girl young enough to be his daughter. How many more affairs will we be subjected to? I've had enough of Tina appearing in every scene too.
- Gloria Price really did irritate me last night, though I guess that was the plan. Why must she continue to make such unpleasant remarks at the most inopportune moments? Are the writers still trying to make her fit as a Blanche Hunt replacement, even at this late stage? It still ain't working.

However I'm interested to know what you all thought of it, so let's have your views!
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Great post. I did enjoy the Christmas episode overall but I'm really not loving the storylines. A few of them really do make me want to stop watching.
Deirdre was hilarious. I loved the scene where she gave Carla the gold pot.
Roy and Hayley - I loved the last scene with them and well, I'll leave it at that.
I find the never-ending Platts stuff - including Nick and Leanne - boring. The current storyline does absolutely nothing for me. I really think they all need to take a back seat for a while but if they have a rest then who will have to take centre stage I wonder? Peter and Tina? CRINGE. There really aren't any good storylines at the moment.
I suspected the Peter and Tina storyline would be awful to watch but it's worse than I thought it would be. It's embarrassing to watch! I am sick to death of seeing the dreadful Tina forced into almost every scene. As for Peter... He's just coming across as seedy. I always loved him with Carla and I think the fact that they had such a struggle to be together encouraged people to root for them but I feel like the last three years are being ruined with this cringe-worthy and bizarre Peter/Tina affair.
I did for a minute think that Hayley was going to expire in the bus shelter during the snowball fight. Too tragic, I suppose, but it would have made a terrifically affecting scene.
Worst moment..Mary singing the line from the Pogues Fairytale of New York ..'won't see another one' while Haley was saying goodbye to them. Ridiculous..the writer's should be slapped for that one. As if Mary would even have listened to the Pogues ever let alone know of a line to that song. Put me off the whole show. If this is the new producer's idea of Corrie, then count me out next year. Sick of it already. Sorry, but it's really just becoming a shadow of it's former self.
If Sally's face in the custard was supposed to be funny, it fell flat. Why did Sophie stand there laughing? She's such a vile character - kill her off along with Tina la douche.
Roy and Hayley continue to be wonderful. Their scenes are perfect. Deidre is great. Anne Kirkbride does a fabulous job. The worst storyline of the moment is definitely the very unrealistic Peter and Tina one. Michelle is also very boring and cold right night and just a presence. Also, I have never seen Rita as unpleasant as she has been over the past couple of weeks - belittling Dennis - not her normal character. What's into her?
Those snowmen made me cry, just a little. I love Roy & Hayley and their scenes of the episode made it my fave Christmas episode in years, maybe ever.
My Christmas wish is that Mary would just leave -- what a pointless character, nasty, thoughtless and with no family, job or even true friends. Take Michelle with you, I'm liking Tracy more than her these days. Yes, more Andrea, please. She does seem to fit in well.
My little bit of gold was Tyrone doing his Jack impression -- always love when they remember the past, just as real families do. What will they do next year? (I can't believe no one told Becky, though, as we saw in Monday's card; sadly, also something real families do, leaving a far off relative no chance to have a proper farewell)
If meeting whats her name at the soup kitchen is the start of Sophie's way getting her life back on track, thank you, writers.
Frosty has to admit that he is actually warming to Gloria who was the only one to tell it as it was yesterday. Why is Nick not having any treatment or at least counselling for the brain injury that Gail keeps banging on about. He seems to be out of control and something needs to be done not swept under the carpet all the time. David’s constant running after Kylie is becoming quite boring now. Found Dreary who was once the top totty of the street now in late middle age lurching drunkenly around the men in the street trying to get a snog while they all tried to avoid her pathetic and rather sad, rather that amusing like some obviously did. Good scenes with Roy and Hailey spoilt by the snowball scene with Beth screeching loud enough to shatter glass and Hailey grinning inanely when she really shouldn’t have been there.
Agree the snow is becoming a cliche. Roy and Hayley's bits were the best. Also enjoyed Mary's Fairytale of New York. Hasn't Gloria always been Blanche-like? Unlike others,I find Deirdre's Mad Auntie act rather irritating and puzzling. When exactly did she lose all her brain cells and any sense of self-awareness? I'm also increasingly annoyed by self-righteous Sophie and am alraedy dreading her latest romance. Did enjoy Sally and Tim however. I think they could yet become a classic Street couple.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas episode. The Platts scenes were TOO much for me. The snow was a nice touch because of the Roy & Hayley taking part in a snowball fight and the snowmen. Its a cliche but it could have been worse. For me it was one of the best episodes I've seen in a while. The acting and writing I enjoyed. Deidre was great. I like all the festive singing etc... I don't think it was overdone. I liked the scene with Nick & Leanne after the slap, I think it was a nice scene. I didn't mind the interruptions into Roy & Hayley's day she was happy. And happier I believe than if she were to be at home alone with Roy. Her last Christmas was very special and I enjoyed it. Also I like that Michelle and Steve made up in the end, I wouldn't have liked it to have been going on and on, they nipped that in the bud fair;ly quickly. I didn't mind Tina in this episode. I preffered it to Eastenders. And even though the episode wasn't packed with high drama, it was really good, it didn't have to be.
You know what.....it cannot all be perfect....but overall I think Corrie delivered a good show yesterday. There were times I laughed out loud, times I felt tears come to my eyes, and yes times I thought - here we go again coupled with an eye roll. But overall - job well done!
Overall, I loved it. It's obviously become one of those signature episodes that the production crew take special care with. I thought they struck a good balance between pathos, sentiment and humour.
Even the cheesy sing-song didn't make me completely cringe, although it was the unnecessary low-point for me. Leanne's compelling speech about "just one hit" totally made up for it though. Jane Danson is such a great actor when she's given the chance.
The Roy and Hayley scenes were especially poignant as it is likely to be the beginning of the end for Hayley, if she dies next month.
Yet again, Hayley and Roy's final days together were dictated by others, and not as they wished. And that scene with the snowball fight, while Hayley sat trying to mask her pain was excruciating. I know at the end that Hayley said it was better than she had imagined, but I would have much preferred seeing the two of them alone together enjoying each other's company, as they have done for most of their time together.
Something that is really irritating me is that whenever it suits the writers, Gloria and St. Ella appear to own the Bistro. Then it's onto another shift and Nick and Leanne are back in charge. If Gloria is merely doing the odd shift, then why on Earth would she think it was OK to approve a (dodgy) music act. Surely licenses have to be obtained for that sort of thing in what is supposed to be a restaurant.
How much longer can they drag the Platt saga on for? As unrealistic as it is, I hope the odd-looking fitness instructor weaves his magic, and Nick is soon back to normal. What's the betting the beard comes off then as well?
I think that was a really good episode loved the bit where eva tried to say one day she might be grimshaw and Jason didn't get it at one point though I thought David and Kylie where going to get back together I think what would lighten the spirits of the platts would be if sarah and Beth returned but you'd think that she'd come home to see what another orvell crime tha her brother David has done
Enjoyed the episode overall, but there was just too much Platt time, I'm really tiring of this family saga now. Why put Nick through the agrivations of having all and sundry to dinner, he and Leanne should have spent the day quietly on their own. Kylie is becoming a joke now, let's get it done and dusted and move on please. Sleezey Peter is too much, can't stand this silly story. Liking Andrea, hope she brings some joy to Lloyd.
What ever happened to Leanne loving Simon more than life itself. Why is it okay for him to spend so much time with Carla and Peter when they are fobbing him off on Tina? Carla does not even pretend to like him now - poor little mite.
Leanne should take time for her and Si and help Nick from a distance.
Rita continues to annoy.
Kylie needs to hit the road...I am so sick of her it is unbelievable. Get a grip...she has got to stop acting like a kid when she has two real kids that need mothering. Grrrrrr
We just saw the Christmas show last night. A scene I shall never forget are the two snowmen standing close together while the snow gently fell. Through all the chaos of that entire show, there was this one serene moment for Hayley to remember. The rest were just out of sync with that beautiful moment.
I will forever remember the two snowmen standing close together at the end. A final serene and peaceful moment for Hayley and Roy. While the rest of the street were acting chaotic, this was a beautiful reminder of these two sweet people. I am going to miss Hayley so much.
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