Hello all! Now, I hope you've voted in the sixth poll of ten because that is now officially closed. But you have until 04:00 GMT next Tuesday to vote for two of your favourite characters in the seventh poll.
So, who's in our eighth poll?
Reg Holdsworth - The manager of Bettabuys who always thought of himself as a ladies man and best remembered for his iconic glasses. He's also remembered for his comic double act with fellow colleague Curly. He married old flame Maureen Naylor in 1994 and had the mother in law from hell in Maud Grimes. He bought the Corner Shop from Alf but later left the street for Lowestoft. In a bid to make himself look younger, he bought a wig with hilarious consequences!
Alf Roberts - The thrice married grocer, best remembered for his trilby hat. He ran the corner shop for fifteen years, although his links with it dated to the days of Maggie Clegg. As well as serving the community behind the counter, he also served as a councillor for many years and served twice as mayor.
Roy Cropper - The eccentric but loveable owner of the cafe who loves trains. Married to Hayley, they've both taken in waifs and strays like Fiz, Chesney, Wayne and Becky. Known for his bag, Roy is not known for showing his feelings, but is fiercely loyal to those closest to him. Over the years, he's been manipulated by Tracy and nearly drowned by Tony Gordon.
Audrey Roberts - Has gone from the flighty mother of Gail to a respected member of the community. After chasing men for years, she finally settled down with Alf Roberts and they became one of the best loved couples in the soap's history. The local hairdresser, her main priority is her family and she is the ultimate matriarch.
Tony Gordon - The villainous owner of Underworld who murdered Liam Connor, tried to kill Jed Stone and Roy Cropper and had relationships with Carla Connor and Liam's widow Maria. He turned himself in to the police but later escaped and held Carla, Maria and Hayley hostage in the factory. Maria and Hayley escaped but Tony set the place on fire in a bid to kill Carla. Carla managed to escape while Tony perished.
Ivy Brennan - Known as 'Poison Ivy'. Worked at Mike Baldwin's factory as a shop steward and supervisor and was best pals with Vera and Ida and constantly clashed with Mr Baldwin. She was the mother in law from hell to Gail who married her son Brian and their feud lasted for 15 years. A staunch Catholic, she was first married to Bert and then Don.
Who's your favourites in this batch of six? Well, vote for two of them and we'll see where they'll be in the countdown!
And the poll is.... ? where? ;-)
Sorry again. Technical hitch...again! lol
Very tough choice this time!
Random observation about the pic: I saw an episode from the 70s where the floor in one of the houses was the same colour as the floor in the pic above. Was this intended or did they not paint/carpet the floors? Random comment I know :)
reg holdworth - are you having a laugh!!!!
To Anonymous: yes most of the sets in the early days were bare minimum. beige and brown walls and no carpet on floors. furniture quite sparse too. when brian park took over in the late 90's a lot more attention to detail was put in. like filming outside and showing them outside the front door and walking into the studio front door. living rooms were decorated with a lot more furniture and nik naks as well as carpets and wall paper.
I wanted to give Roy both my votes! Had to settle for Roy and Audrey (a very close second reeelleh!)
Looking forward to the results, I've enjoyed this!
Very tough choice. Hard to pick only 2 this time
BarrieT - The Corrie sets and filming were spruced up long before Brian Park took over.
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