Fiz is going to name her baby daughter Hope in the wake of the tram crash disaster.
Reports today have said Fiz will try to help the residents rebuild their lives by offering a ray of 'Hope' in the crash aftermath.
Hope Stape? Doesn't have the best ring to it, but you never know, it may end up being Hope Brown if John's world is going to come crashing down (pun partially intended!).
It's a nice name, though. I wonder if it means that John will be one of the victims or maybe he'll be seriously injured. If he's actually going to kill Charlotte, then he's a murderer and there's got to be payback.
Hope Brown sounds much better!
Haha, no, I can imagine the teasing "Hey Hope Brown sh*t" etc. What an awful name to go with Brown/Stape!
Oo-er - this is all sounding a bit 'orrible - crashes, deaths, injuries!
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