Wow. Friday night's double episode with the way Coronation Street handled Joe's painkiller addiction was fantastic.
From him sitting in his van crying to the radio as Morrissey sang: "
please, please, let me get what I want" to him smashing up the medical centre in desperation, through to that final heartbreaking scene with Tina in tears, was one of the best nights of Corrie this fan has enjoyed in quite some time.
Heartbreaking bit of Corrie dialogue of the decade: "I only had a bad back..."
Yes, tonight's episode really very good, esp the bit with joe at the end! aww!
And is anybody else warming to the windasses? i couldn't stand them when they first arrived but i do like Anna. Michelle in the midst of another catfight. Yawn...
I thought tonight's episode was quite good, considering that I haven't really been enjoying this storyline on the whole.
Slightly off-topic, but surely the doctors surgery would be open on a weekday?
I've not seen it yet but that sounds like the line of the week to me!
How good was Corrie last night!? Reece's portrayal of desperate Joe was so good, i waas choking up at the end with him and Tina and the lullaby. Another thing, I love Anna Windass! Helping out Ches like she is. And i find Eddie funny with his baking and all that. Only one i really dislike is Len. Where does Tony get off telling Michelle to move out! Cheeky beggar! Rosie, what can i say. Idiot! I loved Luke's comparison of her to a dead prawn haha.
Overall loved last night's eps. Written by my fave n all actually, i always love Crowther's eps.
Friday's double episode was very good indeed.
Now, please give us another good episode where David is murdered.
I can't stand that lad.When are the women in his pathetic life going to open their stupid minds and reject him for good.
I thought Len was banished from the Windass house yet there he was back, large and life!
It was top notch, it really was, both parts
Absolutely amazing episodes! Very sad, I saw my mum crying after watching Corrie for the first time since I think Fred died!
I couldn't stand Len being there either.
Those eps of Corrie were amazing. The incidental music made it, definitely.
As for the Windasses, I think they're starting to come into their own. I've been slightly wary of liking them because of what happened with the Mortons, but the Windasses are actually turning into a likeable family. Debbie Rush is fantastic as Anna.
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