Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.
Week of Monday 31 August to Friday 4 September
Josh collapses, Emily and Norris are distraught when Ramsay dies, Kevin and Molly get jiggy, Theresa and Umed have a curry challenge, Becky does a runner, Connie asks Jack to move in with her, and Sally hosts the dinner party from hell.
The full weekly preview, with pictures, is right here on
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This picture turns my stomache... But it's also like one of those things that's so terrible, you can't help but to stare at it (maybe to determine if it's really happening).
Ughhh, it's still wrong.
Oh gross, that photo. When will it all end? Ramsay dies so soon...poor Emily. Oh, I love Sally's dinner parties!
Thanks for the photo, its helping me with my diet, by putting me off my food - G R O S S!
me eyessssssssss.......Oy!!!!!!
what is the name of the song playing in background when Kevin is with Molly after the "run"
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