The paper says that Tony will pop the question at Liam's graveside on the first anniversary of his death. As grieving Maria stands by the headstone baby Liam, Tony takes off his wedding ring from his marriage to Carla. In scenes set to turn viewers' stomachs, Tony will tell her: "I've never felt like I do about you with anyone else - even Carla." And as they gaze lovingly into each other's eyes, Tony will add: "You and the baby are everything I'll ever want for the rest of my life. Marry me, Maria! I want you to be my wife and I want baby Liam to be my son."
Worst bit of all? Maria tells Tony: "Yes, yes, of course! Of course I will. Oh Tony I love you so much." Pass the sick bag, now.
Ick. Nast. But it sets the scene for a very interesting storyline when Carla returns.
Yep - looking forward to the fireworks!
Sounds good, I wonder if they will actually make it down the aisle?
I really like this storyline, I was unsure about it at first but the Tony/Maria pairing has grown on me.
It's a bit weird. albeit Tony Gordon is something of a psychotic so and so with murderous tendencies, he's actually not so bad looking and he's a bit of a charmer, and actually fairly likeable as a soap character. So you end up hoping that Maria (because, dim as she is, she too is one of the nice characters)and Tony get together and find happiness. But you know that that cannot be, because a) It would break the golden rule of soap: nobody gets away with murder, and b) we know full well that Carla is due to come back to Weatherfield and blow the gaffe on everything.
Not a bd plot strand in that respect - it dertainly seems to hold the interest.
I will then take bets on now long after the proposal it takes for it to blow up and Maria to whine "I'm no schtewpid!"
im really liking the tony/maria plot they are quite well matched, would be quite intresting to see if they actually do get married and how the exits of tony/maria come about.
I was wondering when the bloke was going to take that wedding ring off, I mean why bother wearing it all this time since Carla left ages ago and has so say filed for a divorce? He should put it on Liam's grave and say "Here, you have it, it was you she wanted anyway!". I do think the proposal happens on the anniversary of Liam's death, but I don't know if I can see Maria accepting a proposal actually at the grave of her dead husband! Also don't know if Tony would propose there either, you'd think he'd want to steer clear of Liam's grave really not do something as memorable as that next to it.
As a Canadian viewer who just saw Liam fly through the sky via vehicle (and I've been keeping up with the blog since last September) all I have to say is this - I'm going to enjoy reading Carla returning and seeing that the shoe is on the other foot in a way.
Oh my good god, no! This is soooo wrong. As if the sun has scripts for October's Corrie anyway! I smell something, and it's definately about to hit the fan. Cannot bloody wait for Carla to get back and sort out this sorry mess.
I don't like it!!
Admittedly, I like Tony... not so much the character, he's a creep, but the actor is a joy on the screen! But I really don't want to see a wedding between him and Maria... nor any proposal on Liam's grave... yeach.
I hope he does and kill her too.
We know he's not going to really
because Carla is back soon and she knows a lot of secrets Maria doesn't.
Is it wrong to want Carla to come back planning sweet revenge?
I can't believe it! I SO cannot see Maria accepting a marriage proposal at her husbands grave to Tony of all people. I think Tony will kill either Maria or baby Liam!
Also, I read somewhere that Maria thinks that Tony is her killer, so why on earth is she accepting a marriage propsal???????
What are yous all on about I LOVE GRAY O'BRIEN (TONY GORDON)he is soooo good looking far better than Liam he deserved to die like that he cheated on Maria with Carla a thousand times Maria and Tony make a perfect couple and I hope they live happily ever after.
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