Corrie goes through its ups and downs, good patches and bad but even when there's bad patches, there are always elements of good stuff, too. There has to be, else most of us wouldn't stick with it.
It's all inspired my latest rant over here. What are some of your frustrations with the show? Cliches? bad patches? What about the things that keep you coming back in spite of it?
The thing that frustrates me is that a lovely little girl actress was put out of a job when she was only young to be recast and who did they cast instead, thats right Helen Flannigan who can just about pout and jiggle her t!ts!!!
I dont even think the best acting of her life in that kidnapping thing was as good as my friends small part in a shool play. and before you ask no she doesnt do acting school nor was she ever in a play before so that just goes to show what idiotic tossers the producers and directors of Corrie are!!!
Well to be fair, when they hired Helen, they didn't know she would grow up to be pouty and jiggle her stuff :)
I loved the little girl that was Tracey Barlow, she was a smashing little actress, and then one day she came downstairs with a new head....
I get really frustrated with those story-lines that don't go anywhere either. Sean's baby, Michelle's switched-at-birth sons, Hayley's son, etc. Things that just get "forgotten" about. It makes the characters very one-dimensional.
EVIL David is very, very dull. There used to be some justification, some spark that triggered another EVIL rampage, but now it's just David: he's a bit of a shit. Why doesn't Joe just belt him? If he's that desperate for the pills, surely this has occurred to him. A couple of slaps are just what he needs.
I miss the interesting, Goth Rosie, who was a different kind of soap teenager. Now she's turned into an airheaded trollop, simply because there was no-one around to do the airheaded trollop part and Helen Flanagan looks good in a pair of denim shorts. When Corrie turns to cliche, or repeats itself endlessly, I get more and more tempted to switch off.
Re: Alex, Michelle's real son - yes, I agree, it's completely ridiculous this is never mentioned. However, considering how we all hated the plotline in the first place, it's probably for the best.
Tvor Re: I suppose you've got a point there lol :)
I'm bored to tears by psycho David and anything to do with the Peacocks.
...and also wanted to add: a huge part of my frustration with David is that he never seems to get caught or really suffer for his BS...OK, he spent a few months in juvie but it didn't really change him, and just once I'd love to see someone whale the living tar out of him.
Charactes like the Peacocks. We dont see anything of Clurr for months and months, then suddenly she pops up with a heavy storyline when we really dont care that much about her, now she has disappeared again just as quickly. I know characters have to have breaks occasionally but the writers should keep them consistent.
Gary Windass whaled the living tar out of David and it only made him worse!
Evil David,Plastic face Jason,Loony Becky,Slapper Rosie,Long neck Dierdre,Think that she's 21 Liz,Always winging Norris.
These are some of the things that annoy me but have to say I still watch Corrie every now and then.
Yeah, David seems to be a saddist and a masochist! He's almost smiling when Joe piles him into the wall with his hands at his throat. He enjoys it too much. David's just a sick puppy, there's no fixing someone like that!
We're a bit behind in NZ at present and having the dull patch of the Peacocks and Webster's house swap and the whole Liam, Clara and Maria storyline after the death of the baby.
I don't think I have ever found the street as dull and humourless as at present.
I miss characters like Angie, the 5foot pint swilling fashion designer that she was. Toyah, Spider. Interesting characters. Marcus instead of Shaun.
Still I've been watching the street for over 30 years and I'll continue.
What bugs me is when they have a decent character and they ruin them buy overusing them.
I also hate when they make a character have an affair do something out of character. Ashley was not the type to have an affair. Now we have Molly and Kevin. It is wrong! Some couples actually stay together.
I would like more sympathetic characters because there seems to be a shortage. There should be at least one happy couple so we have something to compare the messed up ones against!
I liked Spider a lot and he made Emily's character grow too. Where are the dynamic characters?
Pet peeve: when characters change direction from episode to episode. Like Maria hating Carla, then hanging out with her, with no real explanation. Also the way every character gets about five holidays a year!
We do have one happy couple... .Roy and Hayley but we hardly ever see them as a couple these days. Another frustration!
"whaled the living tar"
That's a new(fie) one on me. It's wonderful.
My two biggest frustrations (on any show!) are rediculous affairs (ex. Kevin and Molly) or when conflicts could be resolved if the two majors involved just TALKED to each other (and usually these plots involve two people who SHOULD be able to talk to each other).
The entire stuff with David is annoying. I'm pretty bored of it, I was looking forward to the newly reformed David.
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