Eileen arrives back in the morning from Jesse's. She reports that all went well until his parents came back. Although, she got to sleep over, she was interrogated by his mother in the morning, but at least she got a breakfast out of it. Jason thinks it's time she got a taste of her own medicine. Eileen rebuts that she liked Tina, she only gave the dodgy girls a hard time. Jason replies that he's sure that Jesse's mom does the same! LOL. Jason's getting a sense of humour on him lately that I'm liking.
Sean complains that to Jason that he still wants to lose weight, but Jason doesn't think he's taking it seriously enough. I don't know about everyone else, but I think Sean looks great!
Jason meets up with Tina and lets her know that he suffers from bovinephobia (fear of cows). He thinks the cows have got it out for him because of all the leathers he wears and burgers he eats. What? That was random. Jason asks Tina out for Indian, he suggests a proper sit-down restaurant, but Jason suggests take-away. Not cause he's cheap, but because he's afraid of being seen out in public with Tina. The wrath of David. Tina isn't happy about being branded (no pun intended) this way, and says that they can't be afraid of David. Tina later receives an anonymous delivery of flowers at work. It's clearly not Jason's handywork as evidenced by a satisfied smile spread across David's face as he spies her smelling the roses.
At the Rovers, Steve finds out that Becky's been avidly texting Slug and isn't happy about it. She's really trying to wind him up I think. Lloyd comes in to tell Steve that Liz has been working in Andy's bar in Spain and "doesn't know" when she's coming back. Steve's mad because he feels Liz is cheating on the Rovers. Lloyd hopes that's all she's been cheating on! Mmm-hmm.
Dev and Umed debate the practicality of egg-slicers. I agree with Dev, I prefer to just use a knife. After you're done assembling and cleaning those kitchen gadgets, it's not even worth the effort! Dev isn't happy that Umed bought a whole supply of those egg-slicers at the cash-and-carry, and says he can think of a use for those egg-slicers and it doesn't involve slicing EGGS. Gross! I don't even want to picture what that meant!
Kevin comes into the store, and Molly locks the door behind him. They take this time to have an adulterous smooch. Since Sally is gone out for the evening, Kevin and Molly plan a clandestine meeting. Oh, this just keeps getting worse. This behaviour is like quicksand, and soon they'll be in over their heads and unable to get out!
At the factory, Tony chastises Luke for not getting any work done and spending his time deep in innuendos with Rosie Webster. Tony says that the only thing lower than Rosie's neckline is her IQ. OUCH! That was below the bra! Tony knows that Luke is using Rosie's money to pay his VAT. Luke doesn't deny it. Oh, we all know, even Rosie I'm sure! Rosie announces to the factory-girls that she's their new boss and will be treated such and they will now call her Miss Webster. How degrading! And you thought you hated YOUR job. Sally smiles smugly at this. Little does she know that the coveted position of PA has been replaced by Executive of Administration and has been filled. Luke can't understand why Tony's sacrificing his business for tending to Maria and her unborn.
Maria is still impatient waiting for the baby to arrive. She's quite irritable actually! Tony decides to take her out on a long walk to see if that helps. He takes her and Ozzy to the beach. Awe, long walks on the beach. Tony comforts her concerns by letting her know that there is a maternity ward close by. Maria remarks that he's thought of everything and he's not just a pretty face. No, he's not. Definitely not. Tony tells Maria that he doesn't ever think he'll see Carla again and he doesn't even think about her anymore. Out of sight, out of mind. A woman walking her dog on the beach sees Tony chasing Ozzy and tells Maria that her husband has his hands full. Maria almost corrects her, then doens't. Uh huh. Ozzy's so cute running on the beach! It makes me feel guilty for not taking my dog to the beach yet this year! Maria starts to feel contractions and screams out for Tony. Tony sees her across the dune crouched over and screams "MARIA!!!!!!!!" and runs to her side. I laughed SO hard when I saw this! I wonder if Tony ever played a part in the Streetcar Named Desire? STELLA!!!
I should imagine Umed's bits would be in nicely sliced bits if Dev was referring to what i think he was lol!
I loved the convo about the cows that J and T were having precisely because it was random. That's just like real life, the odd subjects that come up sometime.
I like Uncle Umed, he makes me laugh. I am bored to tears with this totally unbelievable story of Molly and Kevin.
"Tony sees her across the dune crouched over and screams "MARIA!!!!!!!!" and runs to her side."
As every bloke knows - if a baby attempts to make an appearance before you yourself are organised, a good roar of a shout makes the baby scarper back pronto, from whence it came, and the expectant mum apologise for collapsing with contractions with, "Sorry 'bout that, yes, did you want something?"
Practice makes perfect, so all together now:
- One,
- two,
- three:
It reminded me a little of when Carla left he did the big old shout the name routine. Very Stella-esque infact. Made me laugh lol, just thought, was that really necessary Tony, Maria isn't deaf you know!
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