And it says here that as Luke's busy with other commitments - aka Rosie, Peter is more than keen to get back with Michelle, and isn't shy to make his move. "I feel we got cut off in our prime really," the bookie tells her. "So how do you fancy picking up where we left off?" However, it looks like Luke's feelings haven't completed disappeared, and Michelle gets some hard stares from Rosie in the Rovers, who's less than thrilled that her lover's face lights up at the sight of his ex.
*Sighs*. Oh, goody.
OH NO not Michelle and this ridiculous triangle of lurve again! She should have gone when she broke up with Steve in my humble opinion.
Ah, she's not that bad. I quite like her but they've had her with so many different fellas it's becoming a bore. Why can't there be an independent feisty female?
I see she's had her extensions cut off
oh boy, as Hayley would say: this is Trouble with a capital T.
Why is she coming back?Please leave her out,she's not needed.
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