The official Coronation Street website at itv.com/corrie has had a makeover. But while the front page might have a had a bit of shine and polish, there's still loads of outdated and missing character profiles, the news moves at a snail's pace and the 'Best of Corrie' page is a joke. It's a real shame, you'd think they'd pull their finger out, wouldn't you for ITV's most lucrative programme?
I agree! Those character profiles haven't been updated in at least 2 years!
Oh, they have. I worked on the official site at the end of 2007 and one of the things I did was to bring all the character profiles up to date. Since then, nothing, nada, zilch. I hope they're doing some more work behind the scenes on that site as it's a blinking disgrace to the show and to the fans the way it is at the minute.
So true! It is embarrassing how out of date the profiles are. What gives?
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