I am going to be careful what I say, cos on a previous post I wanted him and Molly gone, so I wnt mention my faves as they will be prob be axed! Good decision all round, bit part characters, no substance. The problem with corrie and the other soaps is that there are very characters we actually care about left; No Duckworths left by Christmas, not a Baldwin in sight, Barlows, McDonalds and Platts, with Rita, Emily, Norris, Roy and Hayley thrown in, the rest could come and go and no one would notice, although I have warmed to the Windasses,
Never change a winning team...
Sorry he is to go, perhaps he and Janis could sail off to the sunset together.
All these characters I won't miss.
And Eileen stays... hideous decision; she is awful. SWING THE CLEAVER AT THE CLEAVER!
Not a great loss, I always thought he was a bit pointless. Hopefully he will take Carla with him.
Awww I quite like him.
God i cant stand him! As if Carla would look twice at a bin man!
Heh there. Nothing wrong with a bin man, save perhaps that they might smell a bit.
I like him! He's rather tasty, something the rest of the street's men lack!
I am going to be careful what I say, cos on a previous post I wanted him and Molly gone, so I wnt mention my faves as they will be prob be axed! Good decision all round, bit part characters, no substance.
The problem with corrie and the other soaps is that there are very characters we actually care about left; No Duckworths left by Christmas, not a Baldwin in sight, Barlows, McDonalds and Platts, with Rita, Emily, Norris, Roy and Hayley thrown in, the rest could come and go and no one would notice, although I have warmed to the Windasses,
I quite like Trev but always saw him as a passing through type.
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