Wednesday 19th May
JENNY ADMITS HER OOPS TO DAISY Jenny makes it clear it’s time Ronnie moved out. Ronnie’s shocked whilst Daisy’s intrigued. Daisy finds a distraught Jenny in the bistro. A dejected Ronnie tells Ed that he’s going to sell his half of the business to Kat and then see where the mood takes him. Ed’s shocked to realise he’s leaving. His bags packed, Ronnie begs Jenny to give him another chance. Will she agree? And what will Johnny think as he arrives home unexpectedly with a bunch of flowers.
SHARON TARGETS NO.7 Sharon thanks Dev for a lovely evening, but makes out she lost an earring and it’s most likely at his house. Dev hands over his keys and Sharon can’t believe her luck. Sean reckons Dev misread the signals and Sharon’s got the hots for him. Sharon lets herself into No.7 what is she up to? She messages Simon from Aadi’s console. Will he take the bait? And when Dev returns, worried that Aadi might see her message to Simon, she convinces Dev to ban Aadi from his console for a week as his choice of games is far too violent.
TYRONE’S BEST LAID PLANS ARE FLOORED Alina confides in Tyrone that she’s not ready to look for a new flat as the salon flat reminds her of Seb and she finds it comforting. Tyrone’s understanding. When Debbie announces that she’s selling the salon flat and wants them out, Tyrone wonders how he’s going to break the news to Alina.
ELSEWHERE Roy’s perturbed to find a bin bag full of Nina’s dresses. Asha offers to look after them in the hope Nina will change her mind and Roy’s grateful. Over lunch in the cafe, Sean admits to Carol that Double Glammy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Wednesday 19th May
JENNY TRADES IN A RONNIE FOR A JOHNNY After some awkward introductions, Ronnie explains that he’s just leaving and picking up his bags, heads out. Johnny hugs Jenny, glad to be home and thanks Daisy for looking after Jenny while he was in prison. Ronnie calls to say goodbye to Ed. When Ed suggests that he can stay in the campervan, Ronnie’s delighted and grateful to his brother for the lifeline.
SHARON MOVES IN ON HER TARGET Dev’s in his element when Sharon agrees to go round to number 7 for another drink what is she up to? Dispatching Dev to the shop for some vodka she logs onto Aadi’s gaming console and sends a message to Simon asking him where he is. Will Simon give anything away?
TYRONE IS GETTING AHEAD OF HIMSELF Debbie offers Tyrone first refusal on the salon flat if he wants to buy it. Tyrone plucks up the courage and asks Kevin if he’d consider lending him £8k towards a deposit on the salon flat.
ELSEWHERE Daisy goes behind Sean’s back and signs up Carol as a Double Glammy rep. Asha texts Corey, determined to win his confidence and find out the truth.
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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