Evening Corrie fans, it’s Kelly here with your Friday night review.
Pantomime baddie Sharon is all set to leave the Street until she has a meeting with Harvey. Her noxious nephew tells her she’s going nowhere until the court case is over, which puts her farewell plans on hold...much to Jenny’s annoyance.
When Johnny and Jenny go to the Bistro for lunch they’re both taken aback to see Shazza and Ronnie having a friendly chat in one of the booths - Jenny for obvious reasons and Johnny because he recognises Sharon as a visitor at the prison. After checking again that the prisoner mentoring scheme that Sharon claimed she was involved in doesn’t exist, Jenny goes to confront her and overhears her on the phone saying the name Harvey.
Proving herself to be a better detective than all the Weatherfield police force, Jenny asks Gary to do some digging on Harvey and the ginger gangster reports back that Harvey is a drug dealer with a bad reputation and that Shazza is his aunt. Jenny picks a fight with her rival again but before you can say boo, hiss, she’s behind you, Sharon threatens to expose her affair with Ronnie.
Over at the café, Nina’s still pessimistic in pastels. Her misery is compounded when George lets slip that Seb’s funeral is tomorrow and she realises that Abi hasn’t invited her so she won’t be able to say goodbye. Asha offers her help but then swiftly retracts it when she gets a message from Corey. It seems that Miss Alahan’s plan to get The Creep to confess involves simpering unconvincingly at him and then blurting out “so what really happened?”. Unsurprisingly he doesn’t go for it. I feel that Asha may need some tips from Jenny. Maybe they could team up and get a spin-off in a girl cop buddy drama with Asha as the naïve young rookie learning from the master?
Meanwhile, Peter is back on the liver transplant list and not before time as he seems to be the colour of something I once found in the back of my student house fridge. Daniel tells Adam they should both put themselves forward as living donors. Peter initially refuses their offer but is talked around by Carla. No one thinks to tell Sarah who has a mini strop about and huffs that Carla talked Adam into it like she talked him into going to bed with her. Umm Sarah hun, believe what you need to get through but I don’t think Adam needed a lot of persuasion.
In other news, Elaine decides it’s time for her to move back to Bolton. Tim is initially sombre to lose his mum but soon gets over it when Sally suggest that they can do their estate-agent role play again. Also, Evelyn is caught out when Dev spots her hanging out the washing and realises there’s nothing wrong with her leg. Bernie vows to get even.
Finally, Jenny tells Rita about the Sharon/Harvey connection but Reet explains it away by saying that Shazza came from a troubled background and that there are bound to be some ne’er-do-wells in her family. Then in a bit of classic foreshadowing, Reet tells her first foster daughter that “The truth has a habit of bubbling up to the surface”. As I’m personally a bit fed up with this gangster storyline I’m hoping for a rapid boil. Turn the gas up Jenny!
And that’s all for this week. Kosmo will be here next week but if you miss my inane babbling catch me on twitter @mskelstar.

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