I was reading Flaming Nora's weekly update and a remark about trying to warm up to Stella hit a note with me. I've been thinking the same thing. I've tried, too, but I haven't really made that connection with Stella yet. I think it's got more to do with the fact that in the four months or so she's been with us, we've hardly seen anything of her!
More musing about the subject here.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
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The character is doing nothing for me I am afraid. And Michelle was only clearly cast due to being well known, there could of been other many actresses to take on the role (or new ones who could do with their own big break). And per usual in soaps, they had her involved being hit by a car in order to make us feel sorry for her and like her. Sorry, that doesnt work for me, Annie Walker and Bet Lynch didnt need to be run over within being in the show a few months to be great characters. They should bring someone in like those two, real great strong characters.
I agree and now we are to feel sorry for the poor dear because she has also been raped and told a relative stranger, a stranger who is trying to get off with her daughter's husband but she hasnt told her partner or another soul in 25 years. Play a different violin Phil, Stella is an insipid, grey character who could have had such promise.
Yes, they don't seem to know what to do with her.
Agree Loony Baloon. And she just so happened to tell the person who had run her over. Mind you, Stella has made such a great recovery, considering how she was in such a critical condition, and may not have made it.
The problem is that we have seen too much of her. First there was all the Leanne's long lost Mum conflict and saving Leanne when she fell downstairs, then she was run over, now she's popping round to sort Carla out over a coffee and confession of a rape she has kept to herself for 25 years.
She acts like she has been on the street for years. What new Bar Manager would go AWOL and then return and tell her employer that she had something more important to do? Instead of being introduced gradually, so we can get to know and like her, she is continually shoved centre stage. Every time she is on, I feel like a pair of hands comes out of the TV, grabs me warmly by the throat and someone screams: You WILL like this character.
So we're to believe that Carla (whom Stella knows from Adam) is the only person she's ever told that she was raped. Ya sure. God these writers are pathetic...is there a contest out there somewhere for the worst script writers and the prize is a job as a script-writer on Corrie??
I felt very guilty last night, watching Carla and Stella. They were talking about awful things, and I was completely unmoved. Alison King can act but the rape plot seems completely artificial (even though it may be an accurate representation of the truth) and I'm hoping Frank's mother pushes her over the edge. Not as a punishment but because she's so utterly unsympathetic, it would be best if she just left. And Michelle Collins, what can you say? Hopeless, hopeless.
Oh, Carla and Stella will be bezzie mates now after discovering they suffered the same torment. Also it will give Leanne an excuse to scrunch up that face again and castigate Stella for being too friendly with evil Carla. Haven't missed Stella since she left for holidays with Carl....must be nice to be able to buy tickets like that at a moment's notice and take off from a job you have held for a mere few months.....
...AND return as fit as a fiddle again!
Adam Reckett - dont forget how Stella single handedly felled the would be robber from the bookies! Phil Collinson has brought in his best friend and slammed her in our faces and the public just havent taken to her. She is another character I just could not care less about. What bar manager would return from holiday and just disappear on some stupid visit to a woman she hardly knows and leave him in the lurch when he was due to go somewhere, even if it was just Tracys. Just exactly what is the point of her and her family behind the bar, none of them seem to do any work, they are just "there"
Thanks Frosty. I had forgotten that. Stella's a marvel isn't she? She'll probably soon be telling Steve she won't be in the bar for a while, since she has to be lead Prosecuting Counsel in the rape trial.
I miss when Corrie was a simple fun drama (with the occasional major storylines but not shoved down our throats), now we are all being "educated". I cannot be done with those issue led plots. Although I wonder if producers just hide behind the "Raising awareness" card just to avoid being made out to be offensive when creating a major storyline. Because if that was the case, they wouldnt be adding all the major stuff like Frank getting out and making Carla's life a hell and sneding his mum round to the factory.
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