William Roache, who plays Ken Barlow, defended Coronation Street and its producer Phil Collinson in an interview on ITV's This Morning this week.
And yet the criticism rumbles on and on and on and zzzzz... sorry, is it time for me tablets yet, nurse?
Johnny Briggs, who played Mike Baldwin, has jumped on the bandwagon to stick it to Coronation Street. In an interview in The Mirror today Johnny says the soap has become “boring and humourless” and that poor scripts are “killing” the show. However, he did praise Michelle Collins' accent, saying: “I admire her pluck for trying to speak like a Manc. I couldn’t have done it.”
The interview ends with a plea from the out of work actor: “I would seriously consider going back if they paid me the right money." Hmmm... weren't you killed off?
Thursday, 14 July 2011
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Briggs is right; the humourless scripts and rubbish storylining ARE killing the show.
But blimey, isn't 'the return of Mike Baldwin' exactly the sort of sensationalist plot that's dumbing the show down!?
Legend-based though you are, Briggsy, you made your choice, I'm afraid.
I've written this a few times, but I am bit shocked by the ongoing Corrie-attacks, as I'm really enjoying the show and think it's picked itself up after a lull.
I agree that once the aftermath of the tram crash wore off, there was a 3 month period where watching Corrie became a bit of a chore, and I fully agree that it lost its personality and was weighed down by dark plots that I had little interest in.
However in the past 5 weeks or so, I've seen lots of green shoots, and I'm really enjoying the show again; both its storylines and the humour in the scripts. For example I'm loving the ongoing mother-in-law Vs daughter-in-law battle between Gail and Kylie.
What I'd like to see more of is just ordinary everyday events that don't really sound interesting on paper, but are always funny to watch and relate to. For example, if they could incorporate more scenes like those in Ken & Deirdre's Bedtime Story spin-off, into the main show, it would be great.
I also think there will be more humour ahead with Eileen and her new love interest; the return of Rosie; Julie and Brian getting together.
"For example, if they could incorporate more scenes like those in Ken & Deirdre's Bedtime Story spin-off, into the main show, it would be great."
Seconded - great comment. That's what the programme is missing too much of at the moment.
Oh dear, the ego formerly known as Johnny Briggs involved in sour grapes shocker. Count yourself lucky to have had the chance to appear in the show mate, even though you always acted as though it was beneath you. Hundreds long for a similar chance and would have made a better job of it. IMO.
That pic has put me off me elevenses!
I agree with Johnny Briggs when he says the soap has become “boring and humourless” and that poor scripts are “killing” the show. I am not saying that since Mike left there the writers have not made Corrie completely boring and humourless, because I must say, it was hilarious at times (or most of the times infact), when Blanche would say something witty to people without a care in the world. Even Blanche (and the others) been in court was funny, and I must say with Norris I find him great to watch (he must NEVER be removed from Corrie). I enjoyed watching when Norris and Mary were in the lakes, and he was frightened of her and that's, the type of cast I like to see. This is serious with humour. This is the same as Norris moaning and calling people...it's great! (what is boring and spoils Corrie, is the way it is filmed).
Well if they brought Vera back for a few minutes im sure they can bring Mike back aswell :). I would love to see Danny Baldwin back though.
Briggs said himself he doesn't even watch the show so how can he judge it? All these bitter ex-Corrie actors should just keep their mouth shut.
I loved this post.
The fact Phil Collinson was making a dire PR attempt at currying favour via BBC breakfast, ITV's this morning and Granda reports in the last two days reflects this programme is in trouble under his leadership and he's clearly been directed to respond. Even Keiran Roberts was on radio five live defending the programme, now if your exec producer feels the need or has to defend the programme in that manner then someone somewhere is getting it wrong! If I was John Whiston or Keiran Roberts i'd be concerned, looking at his performance on the said programmes it's surely a case of when not if! He did nothing to engratiate himself to the viewer was totally defensive and at times made it about him, he expects the viewer to accept difference yet he shows no acceptance of opinions other than his own, he should have ate humble and show understanding of the other point and get the viewer back on side,in fact on Granada reports in my opinion he looked clearly manic totally unmoving and away with the fairies! which is coincidentally where he's took the programme.
Phil Collinson in my view is trying hard to do the right things instead of getting it right! Tick tock tick tock .........
These comments by ex-corrie-actors are getting decidedly tiresome. Looks to me like there is an organised 'get Phil' campaign. Viewing figures are up year on year* so the viewers are obviously disagreeing with the coterie of bitter ex-stars who are doing this, probably in the hope of returning as saviours. Not gonna happen.
*Yeah I know what the Daily Mail said but they had cherry picked an episode in the middle of 'Britain's Got Talent' and compared it with one on at the same time as the Andy Murray match at Wimbledon - hardly ;like with like!!
Makes a change for Johnny Briggs to do the "Corrie isn't as good as it was in my day" story - normally it's Jean Alexander they go to when they want a complaint about the sex and violence.
Part of this is down to Phil Collinson being a much more high profile name than his predecessors - he's a BAFTA winner, and thanks to appearances on Doctor Who Confidential and so on, he's a "face". Getting him to run Corrie was a bit of a coup - he certainly didn't need to take the job, but did so because he's a massive fan. He's a much more prominent scalp.
Another part of it is good old-fashioned homophobia.
I think there has been only two people that I have not liked watching on Corrie, and one was Warren Baldwin (the son of Danny and his second wife Frankie and half brother Jamie), and the other is Becky McDonald. Warren might have been interesting to watch to some people, but I just not understand his accent. I was pleased therefore, when he left. I enjoyed watching Becky at first for quite some time, but then I got bored when she was on the screen too much, and cutting the other actor's out as if she was the highlight of the soap. I get really annoyed the moment I see her smoking all of the time, because I know youngsters will be watching this and get ideas.
I think Mike was a great actor and so was Fred I say so was Fred, but they left and once that happens their acting just changes either for the better, or for the worse. Sometimes we want actors to leave, sometimes we don't and wish they could return. Even at the time of their departure from Corrie, we could get upset, but that goes out of the window after a few further episodes of the soap. However slightly changing the subject, It makes me feel like Corrie is wanting to get people to either continue smoking, or to get people to learn to smoke as they are always showing cigarettes on the soap. Becky McDonald seems to be the worst, but there are others too. Is Corrie getting paid to advertise cigarettes? Many youngsters could enjoy watching Becky acting, and watching the way and how she smokes could make youngsters copy her, and luring them into temptation. In other words, she could be making something more desirable or appealing by the way the cameras close up on her smoking. I think these actors should understand that youngsters do copy people from our TV screens, as I once copied Batman and after climbing onto a roof with a cape on and trying to fly off, only to find that I hurt my leg because my cape wouldn't allow me to fly, I then realised that I had done something wrong. Youngsters copying these actors could find later in life that they have done something wrong, if they end up smoking through watching these actors. I think the cast of all soaps should realise the dangers that they could cause to youngsters, and stop smoking on our screen unless they feel selfish not to do this.
re the smoking thing - personally I credit youngsters with a bit more sense than to let a soap opera like Corrie influence them. But, if they were, sure it is equally bad to show people spending many hours a day in the pub.
I would be more worried about the influence of 'reality' shows like the only way is essex, etc. Shallow, looks-obsessed people that teenagers all seem to be trying to emulate and become clones of.
...plus equally as bad to show teenage pregnancies, murders, burglaries, muggings, bank sieges...
I think smoking is the least of the programme's problems at the minute.
PS - seeing Deirdre Barlow with a fag hanging out her mouth is probably more likely to encourage kids NOT to smoke than otherwise...!!
Doesn't Briggs also say the only bit of an episode he's seen in the last few years was five seconds of the tram crash? Sounds like he's jumping on the bandwagon
i dont think hes bitter he left of his own accord didnt he?
sd for pc being on every show possible defending corrie tells me alot theyve never had to do tnhat before and ijust wonder under how much pressure he is to make it lok like thers nothing wrong
He's bitter because he probably thought he'd be doing a lot of other work once he decided he didn't in fact want to retire. He isn't. I think he realized he cut off his nose to spite his face. I agree, he's jumping on the bandwagon. If he isn't watching the show at all, how can he complain?
Well he hasnt been seen in anything since the dire Echo Beach that was axed. Just jumping on the bandwagon and trying to make a bit of money out of moaning about Corrie, lets face it who really cares what he thinks!
Talking about smoking on some earlier post above, I did copy somebody off the TV which influenced me to want to smoke although that was many many years ago, so youngster COULD POSSIBLY get ideas especially if they see their stars acting. However, last night's Corrie wasn't that good again, and the moment we saw Becky, she was smoking AGAIN! I wish she would cut the cigarette habit out until she is NOT been filmed.
Katherine Kelly is a non-smoker. If a character is smoking in a particular scene, it will be either in the script or the director's call.
Cigarettes are actually a pain in the backside for editors, so it's not like the actors are free to spark up if they feel like it.
dont they write it into the script that the character is smoking-i dont think they jsut let her light up when she feels like it
Yes, of course the actors will not be allowed to just light - up whenever they need, and yes, it will be down to the writers for adding it into their scripts. This is totally not necessary, especially when there are youngsters already wanting to say 'NO' but are been pushed into it at school, and it is totally not necessary especially when there are people trying to kick the habit. The more you see it, the more you want it, and I'm talking about cigarettes!
There was a time when Corrie was the jewel in ITV's Crown. The problem Corrie has today is that it is too obsessed with serial killers, tram disasters and getting one over on EastEnders in its war to see who can dream up the most unlikely or absurd story-line! The endless, clueless, mind numbing senarios cluttering up Corrie is quite ridiculous, Just how may serial killers do the writers think can live up one back street terraced? The ultimate story-line from the doughnuts that write this tosh would be for Ernest Bishop to step out of the shower and Emily Bishop realising that past 33 years have been a bad, bad dream. In an episode back in 1989 Deirdre Barlow commented that Ena Sharples would be turning in her grave. Oh, Deirdre, how right you are love!
+It is high time that karl was exposed as an arsonist and killer it is rediculous to allow his lying to perpetuate.I suggest that the hospital find some cct footage showing him killing Sunita.
It is a disgrace for the show, and an insult to your viewers toallow this situation to continue.
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