How was it for you? The events of the week have built up over months, culminating in a grand gathering of skeletons out of closets. Fiz found out about the kidnappings and all of John's other crimes. Becky lost Max and found out that Steve was the one that betrayed her in the end.
I'm giving the week a thumbs up overall with one or two reservations about which you can read here. I guess I would give the week a 7 or an 8 out of 10. I know there's been a lot of negative feedback about these stories from our commenters but surely there are people that have enjoyed it as well?
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I liked it :)
I've been loving it!
Half woman-half pistachio..LOL..John - brilliant and now..he's on the lamb.
Fiz has gone mental and Becky hocked a loogie into Steve's face...awesome.
Way to end two great storylines..more more more please!!
I agree with the first Anonymous' answer[4th June 01:01].
Watched it but I thought it was rubbish story lines and definitely rubbish acting by some.Sorry.
I've always liked John Stape's acting even though the stories were rubbish... he falls on the concrete with nothing to break his fall and he manages to crawl away??? A hospital crawling with staff and police didn't get to the body in time??? This is rubbish! All for the sake of ratings and the possibility of John Stape returning again to haunt the Cobbles, steal baby Hope next year... If they wanted this character to make a return appearance, they would not have written this ridiculous rooftop scene...
...I agree with the majority of the commenters... RUBBISH!
I loved it - entertaining, funny and clever. I'm not keen on the final twist, and I hope that will be resolved very soon, but I thought it was a great week's telly.
Absolute rubbish. Corrie has lost the plot.
Do the police really leave the likes of Fiz on her own in the house and hospital? How could Stape get into the loft without a ladder? When Becky went on the ramapage why did no one call the police? Jason and thing were outside, yet did not follow her into the Barlow's home.
Do the police really leave negotitations to none experts?
Please let's go back to what Corrie was good for - Jack & Vera Duckworth style humour.
Rubbish. Never have I enjoyed Corrie less in my whole life.
I continue to fail to understand all these folk who take Coronation Street seriously! It is a fantasy, a pantomime, a cross between Spinal Tap, Circus of Horrors, Psychoville and Airplane. If you ever try to analyse it for factual accuracy or logic, you may as well stop now. I admire the cast for keeping straight faces during so many of these dramatic scenes. Me? I just keep laughing - it's the biggest tonic of the week, and the best acted. And just look at the shots of Michelle Collins arriving with her male posse....can't wait!
I thoroughyl enjoyed the week, while firmly not allowing myself to even begin to pick at any of the loose threads or plot holes as the whole thing would have unravelled instantly.
I also spent much of the week longing to smack some sense into various characters.
No coincidence, I think, that John and Becky's storylines were paired for the week - both have done a fine job of deluding themselves, to the destruction of all around them.
I've enjoyed it, apart from Fiz, I can do without her thank you very much.
Stories are so absurd but what the heck, it's sheer entertainment, more so than can be said for the programmes it's been sandwiched between this week :-)
I have enjoyed some of it, other parts not. The Hoyles in the cellar was ridiculous, Fiz's acting was very bad yesterday I thought but it was a great twist that John had just disappeared in a puff of smoke and hope that it not the last we see of the excellent Graham Hawley.
The Becky with the sledgehammer was so ridiculous it was actually comical. Would Owen leave his van unlocked - er no he wouldnt and why was it just poor 70+ Ken that had a go and tried to get it off her, Steve who was the cause of the whole thing just stood there, along with 'tough men' builders Owen and Jason and why on earth didnt the Barlows CALL THE POLICE?? When she spat in Steve's face that was it for me but of course we have more to "look forward" from her.
At least Becky and 'Stevie' is finally over, Becky seems not to realise that she caused everything that's happened to her.
'Charlotte was nuts. She was every variety of nut that ever existed; half woman, half pistacio.
Classic Corrie scriptwriting. A gem.
What Anon said about nuts, plus Graham Hawley's acting and Dierdre's timely return were the highlights of the week. It was also nice having something to watch every day, Balance that with stories that were painful-to-watch drivel, the destruction of the Barlow's home, and rampant stupidity, I'd give it an unqualified Meh.
Bring on the little stories of average people in a quiet neighborhood up North.
As dhvinyl said, it's amazing how so many people will talk about how unrealistic corrie is. Of course! It's TV, a soap..fantasy! It's not supposed to be realistic. The entire concept of the street is not realistic. How many of you walk 10 feet to work everyday? haha
I think it's been rather good. I loved the end last night where Becky spit in steve's face. What a buster.
It's impossible to become involved in the stories, because they are so unrealistic. And impossible to care about the characters, because they behave so inconsistently.
Why couldn't burly builders Jason and Owen disarm Becky? Yet 71 year old Ken had to be restrained from having a go! Why did Steve wait to tell Becky he called Social Services until after she smashed up the Barlows? Every situation has to be milked to the maximum to sustain the number of episodes.
Becky might be a volatile character, but we keep hearing she "knows all about the Social". So why did she go to see Max? We are meant to care about Becky's distress, but I have lost all sympathy, because of her gross stupidity.
Fiz's collision with Owen's van was so badly staged and shot that I laughed. It feels like the Producers watch the shows back and exclaim: "That will have to do".
It's not good enough. Loyal fans deserve much better.
Agreeing with Frosty and Adam...Ken, Owen, Steve and the body builder Jason..not to mention Dreary standing around looking all shocked while 90 pound Becky bashes a door in and proceeds to smash up the Barlow living room? Nope..sorry...was not going cop posted outside Fiz' door..wouldn't happen. So many gaps and holes. Were these storylines written by grade-schoolers?
Dhvinyl, Amanda: American soap is a fantasy, which is why it has been mercilessly parodied. British soap always prided itself on its realism and not having far fetched stories.
Of course, soaps have always been a bit larger than life. That was shown by Victoria Wood's comment about Valerie Barlow electrocuting herself with her own hairdryer and her twins disappearing off to Scotland and returning after 20 years without any trace of a Scottish Accent.
Unfortunately, Corrie is now straying into ridiculous territory. I half expect Stape to have been rescued by his hitherto unknown surgeon half-brother, who abducted Charlotte's body just after her life support was switched off and saved her life with a brain transplant.
The Road to Coronation Street clearly showed that the programme's intent and appeal was about recognisable characters in realistic situations. The Streets departure from this into nonsensical storylines is why so many are upset with the programme's direction.
By and large, I've enjoyed the week and, like other people, loved the comment about 'half-woman, half-pistaccio'.
Both the Becky and John Stape story lines are implausible but somehow the Stape one works better for me. Katherine Kelly is a Shakespearean actress and the way she flings herself around probably works brilliantly on stage - but for the small screen, it's completely OTT. Graeme Hawley is good on TV; the menace is well controlled and the dark humour is allowed to emerge. There were a lot of close-ups on his face during the week which made me feel more involved. Katherine Kelly hasn't been used well and that's a shame.
Well, I am a long-time Stape fan and think that whole story was comedy genius and the only thing that was worth watching this week.
Mr Tubb, who was born in Black and White and has watched Corrie forever (although wouldn't admit it) sat through Friday night's episode and then pronounced afterwards that in the olden days, nothing actually happened in Coronation Street and it was really good and why is it all so noisy now and full of screaming wimmin?
Says it all really. Not surprised Katherine Kelly wants to leave.
It's been ok. I think the pace and the way some stories have been linked was been good. The Becky stuff was awful and embarrassing as usual, although I still love Steve. I've never been fan of the Stapewick saga, but I think it was concluded well. There's still too many unrealistic points for me - it's highly unlikely John would be alive after that fall. Even if he did survive, he would be in no state to get up and move so quickly! As for the acting, Graeme Hawley has been excellent.
It was like watching a very bad sketch of the Carry On films, i never laughed so much at such so called drama, it was more like a tragic comedy. Can't really blame the actors for the terrible plots and scripts. but hey its all in the name of entertaiment.
been a fan for years,but now stopped has turned i is totally nto complete garbage. the stape story really took the biscuit. so boring, predictable,never ending,and very silly. to top it all he jumps off the roof of a building backwards, and walks away. the whole cast along with the script writers want a clear out.start with spotty creep david platt, and puppet voice graham.
John Stape should now be called Michael Myers after the 'halloween' films - he disappeared as well.
oh yes - let's start a petition - 'save our corrie - collinson out!''save our corrie - collinson out!''save our corrie - collinson out!''save our corrie - collinson out!''save our corrie - collinson out!''save our corrie - collinson out!'
There was nothing 'special' about the week. It was poor, far fetched and a shadow of what the street does best. I despair actually- Micky
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