"Slug" was a good name for him back then too, he really was creepy and disgusting. Well, now Slug seems to have cleaned himself up, pulled his act together, got a job and is working towards being respectable. Has he really changed? Maybe... but the spoilers say he's going to be blackmailed by that corrupt and bitter cop, Cst. Hooch (with a name like that, could he be any other sort?) and it's going to cause havoc for Becky again.
What I want to know is, is this turnaround of his life genuine and down the road, Hooch just drags him down again into his scheme to get revenge on Becky, or has that revenge scheme already started and this whole "clean up" routine is a scam as well? I'm going with the latter. Watch this spot.
Nah, it's just a ploy by that Hooch coppper bloke, innit?
All Slug's got to do, is fire up the Quattro and tell his old mate DCI Gene Hunt - and Hooch's goose will be cooked to a pooch - most likely with a Garibaldi strategically inserted where the sun don't shine.
Then job done, Gene and his team can call in at the Rovers for a well earned drink - before someone even thinks of calling 'time'.
Yeah, if we can have General Custard, then why not Manchester based, Gene Hunt on set too?
Cause Gene Hunt would be as old as Ken Barlow in 2009 :))) That would be fun, though!
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