Will it be a spooooooktacular evening on the street? Well, hopefully no-one'll get murdered like last year.
First up, it's a horror of a day for Fizrone, who are less worried about razor blades in apples than they are about the serialisation of a book about the Stape family in the Weatherfield Gazette. Tyrone goes out to buy all 50 copies from the Kabin (other newsagents are not available) so that Hope doesn't see the article. Although a) she's already read it on her phone and Ty, not being Elon Musk, can't buy the internet and b) she's the one who's leaked to the press, albeit inadvertently as she has revealed details to her "penpal", MadDog, online. Fiz complains that Hope has been groomed by MadDog. I wish Maureen Lipman, 92, were here to knock some heads together.
Talking of grooming, the man from the PRU, Max, is now in the clutches of Ghastly Griff and his band of merry morons. Can I just say that I object to this eco-warrior is racist storyline? From what I know about XR, they're more likely to get upset about misuse of pronouns rather than coming up with dumb conspiracy theories about chemtrails and new world orders. Eco-activists and right wing nutters don't tend to mix in the same circles, or at least they don't go to the same Hallowe'en parties.
Also, I can't say I know much about right wing thug behaviour but I got the impression that the EDL or NF or whatever just meet up to (try to) cause a ruckus and all the conspiracy stuff is done online by men who live in basements and rarely go out. But maybe things have changed. At any rate, it would make more sense for Spider to be infiltrating a right wing group rather than betraying his former crustie colleagues. I think a better Spidey storyline would be that he was arrested and he had the choice of jail time or becoming a narc, rather than he turned his back on his former life to become a cop. It seems likely that his road-protesting buddies would've found out that he was leaving the tunnels behind to join the old bill, no?
Anyway, Max goes to the alt-right Hallowe'en party (activities include prize for best Mussolini costume and carving swastikas into pumpkins) and is totally taken with Griff, especially when he lets him have a beer. Although, either the clocks haven't gone back in Weatherfield or this Hallowe'en party is taking place at lunchtime.
I guess we - or Max - are gonna discover that Griff is Maria's troll but could he be MadDog as well? His object is not to bring down the shady cabal of globalist bankers who secretly run the world, but just to mess with everyone on one particular street?
Arnie the roofer returns and finally starts work. As Steve is away becoming a drag queen visiting Andy in Spain, Tracy uses Daniel as her punching bag and attempts to manipulate him into doing her bidding. After discovering that one of the builders has broken the toilet, she insists that something must be done - and it is, a Portaloo is installed outside no. 1.
Minor storylines today are Todd taking Summer to the abortion clinic and also seeing a photo of Lawrence's marriage on the latter's phone. He tells Sean and says that he reckons Lawrie is still married. By the way, why did the camera cut away when Sean was kissing Lawrence goodbye? It's not the nineties any more.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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What’s the betting that the photo was Lawrence with his sister on her wedding day.
Jeanie (anon) that's one explanation, but it seems more likely that is yhe introduction of a new storyline. That Lawrence is bi with a wife or ex-wife and family, or came out after years of marriage. That could be quite an interesting story line-all that tension and friction with Lawrence's family. Or maybe a love triangle with his wife/ex-wife.
Yes I thought the same!
Geez, Fiz makes me crazy. Coddling that little monster that is Hope. She is an absolutely horrible character, throw that in with Fiz's whining voice as she continually makes out that Hope is an innocent. She's a brat! (with homicidal genes).
Griff...what can we say about that piece of vermin? Nothing at all....he's a loser.
I like the Grimshaw household, always something weird going on...absolutely can't stand Summer and her storyline...is there a tram crash in the future? Geez I hope so
Love having snarky Tracey back, still wondering when she finds out that Adam used her flower shop (remember) to set up his law shop (with illegal funds, thanks Trace)
Too many loose ends that never get tied up
Question about Dev. He has six children does he not...three besides the twins and Amber. Why do people never talk about the ones who aren't around (with the exception of the odd mention of Sophie and Rosy)
My head spins
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