Michelle has spoken about how tiring the Corrie schedule can be, especially when you are at the centre of so many important storylines. She also mentions her desire to spend more time with her daughter. Interestingly, she also addresses the recent exchange on Twitter when several fans commented onStella's lack of screen time.
Michelle admits to feeling a bit left out of recent storylines, praising the Roy and Hayley story in particular and wishing that Stella could have been more involved with that plot.
Also, apparently Corrie producer Stuart Blackburn did try hard to convince her to stay on for a longer stint, however she is happy the door has been left open for a future return.
I've never been the greatest fan of Stella Price, although I do wish Michelle all the best with whatever she does next. I don't really see how the character has been sidelined in recent times. The Croppers have dominated and rightly so. Any Stella involvement in their storyline would have been jarring to say the least. Almost like the time she helped clear out Betty's house...
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Stella's recent lack of storylines must have been a great incentive for MC not to renew her contract. The article does imply that if she was still the centre of many storylines she would find the energy somewhere to carry on. So her comments do sound a bit like 'face-saving.' As for her feeling out of it in the Hayley storyline, really, why would she be involved? I can see that the writers might have pushed her into the Tina/Peter affair and that role has been given to Liz. It's true Liz is the landlady of the pub but previously that wouldn't have stopped Stella just passing by and finding Tina in floods of tears on the street. I haven't missed Stella because most of the storylines haven't needed her. What's very telling is that Stella has hardly been used at all with Leanne and Nick's problems where her involvement would have been believable. Something's going on behind the scenes.
Stuart Blackburn doesn't like her and from the moment he arrived she was reduced to glorified extra. Even Gloria has been given more lines at the Bistro. He hired Beverley Callard on his first day. I see on MC's twitter account that this is her last week of filming. I won't miss her but I wish Gloria & Dennis were staying. They would have made a cute couple.
I agree with you Barrie T. I really like Gloria and Dennis, they actually breathed new life to their characters. I really wish they weren't leavng. I miss Hayley, and also feel they let her get forgotten really quickly.
I won't miss Stella at all and only wish the character was in some way to become collateral damage in the upcoming Tina murder, hence preventing the character's return in the future, ( there being the danger when Mr Blackburn departs, someone might think a good idea to resurrect Stella).
Why on earth would Stella be involved with the Roy/Hayley storyline? As far as I can remember she only bought the occasional coffee in there,had no close association with Roy and Hayley. As for feeling a bit left out of recent stories, she's popped up right, left and center for many episodes. I think that open door should be firmly shut and locked!
Oh my, I can't even imagine what Stella in the Roy/Hayley storyline would have looked like. That would have been the straw that broke the camels back for me (and I'm sure many others who were sitting on the Stella fence.)
Why does she think Stella should be involved in every storyline?
What exactly did she think St Ella would have added to the Roy & Hayley storyline? That was so well done and those involved earned the respect of fans. I think MC is jealous that all St Ella ever did was cheer for the fire in the Rover's to spread before she could be saved.
Bye, bye don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Never liked the character. Seems like she has an inflated ego.
I'm so glad she wasn't involved in the Roy and Hayley storyline. Just like I'm glad they didn't find a random contrived way of forcing Tina into that storyline.
She must be terribly delusional if she actually thought Stella should be involved in the Roy/Hayley story line; as though Stella is somehow to the glue holding the Street together. Very shameful, in fact. She will not be missed.
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