Audrey tried to cope with Alf's death. She went back to Grasmere Drive, sadly telling Gail that she was on her own now. As she prepared for the funeral Gail learned that Alf's life insurance policy had expired on New Year's Eve - meaning that there would be no payout. Meanwhile, Rita grieved in her own way, and the Street reminisced about him, talking about his marriage to Renee and his proposal to Betty's sister Maggie. Natalie informed Jack and Vera that, as she was the licensee, she had to live on the premises - so they'd have to sling their hook. Sally reported Greg to the police and she and Nicky were interviewed. They also talked to Les, who said there was no way his son would do anything like that. When Leanne supported Nicky rather than Greg Les told her she was no longer a Battersby. What a loss.
TUESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 6th and 8th January 1999
Fred was opening a new butcher's concession in Freshco's and he insisted that Ashley should run it. That meant that they needed a new assistant in the corner shop, and they took on the beautiful Nita Desai. Ashley was smitten. Les confessed to Janice that he'd taken the overdose himself and Martin was innocent. She was disgusted with him, and was going to tell everything at the tribunal, but he tried to sway her with promises of a trip to Paris and doing up the house. However, Toyah overheard. Jackie told Alma that the house was going to be repossessed because Curly hadn't paid the mortgage and suggested she be made the official tenant so that there'd be some money coming in. Audrey broke down after Alf's funeral - partly because she'd lost her husband, and partly because she worried she'd be a pauper without the insurance money. She tried to find evidence he'd died on New Year's Eve, but Nicky told him she'd seen him alive after midnight.
WEDNESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 10th and 11th January 1999
It was the tribunal but Les was having to deal with his bolshie women. Toyah was going to tell the truth, but he threatened her. He promised Janice a holiday in Paris, then changed his mind to Las Vegas, which she didn't want to visit. He invited Jackie instead and Janice thought he was going to leave her once he got his compo. She burst into the tribunal and told them the truth. Martin, however, had already resigned, angry that the hospital was willing to pay Les off. Elsewhere, Kevin took Alison from the factory out for a meal, Alma approved Jackie as a tenant at number 7, and Fred and Ashley caused havoc in Freshco.
THURSDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 13th and 15th January 1999
Alf's will was read. He left his grandchildren £2000 each, thrilling Nicky and Leanne, but Audrey got only the house, the hairdresser's, and a small amount of cash. She fretted about the neighbours finding out. Martin learned about Les lying and went for him in the pub. Janice kicked him out, and when she learned he had no money any more, Jackie didn't let him anywhere near her. Roy took on Steve to refurbish the new unit on Victoria Street, but he didn't really understand the concept of haggling. Natalie began to make her mark on the pub, redecorating the back room, serving designer beers, and taking on Spider as a barman. Jack and Vera were deeply unimpressed but they thought she'd end up begging them for help. It turned out she had new jobs for the Duckworths - cellarman and cleaner. Alison and Kevin had another date. She worried that he still had feelings for Sally, but when he assured her he didn't, they ended up sleeping together. And Rita got an unexpected visitor - Sharon Gaskell! She immediately whipped out a taser and zapped one of the residents. Of course she didn't, because that would be stupid.
FRIDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 17th and 18th January 1999
Kevin's solicitor sent Sally a letter; he wanted a divorce and custody of the girls. She refused to hand Sophie and Rosie over and swore to make life difficult for him. Leanne wanted to spend the inheritance on a holiday, but Nicky wanted to save it for his education. At the urging of his lecturer he compromised with a holiday in Canada with Uncle Stephen. Martin tried to get his job back at the hospital but was told he wasn't needed. He ended up as a barman at the Rovers, replacing Spider who thought he was doing Jack and Vera out of a job and left on principle. Gail was disgusted. Sharon said she was in Manchester to get married to a man called Ian Bentley. Rita was thrilled that her foster daughter would be spending more time in the area.
Natalie's redecorated Rovers is horrible. If you ask @merseytart, her taste in interior design is as terrible as her morals.
Classic Corrie is on ITV3 weekday afternoons and is also on the ITV Hub.

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
1 comment:
Wow! Sharon’s back? I remember that just a few months ago, she tasered Jenny, and blackmailed into telling the truth about her one night stand with Ronnie! What a coincidence.
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