Written by Jayne Hollinson, directed by Dominic LeClerc
Clara breaks the news to Liz that Michelle’s working for her. She also stabs Nicky in the back a bit by telling Liz that he’ll be serving hot-pots at the new bar. Michelle shows up for her first day and the factory girls are shocked to hear that Michelle’s Carla’s new PA. Especially Sally, who is constantly overlooked for that position. Carla leaves Michelle in charge while she’s away at a meeting. The factory girls are doing overtime and she asks Michelle to keep all running. Janice tries to rouse Michelle and tease her a bit but Michelle’s a bit more used to this treatment after having worked at the Rovers for so long and quickly puts Janice in her place and rather speechless. Sean has other plans for the evening and it doesn’t include overtime. He has a date and runs out of the factory while Michelle’s back has turned.
Steve and Betty conspiring together against Nick’s new bar. He’s heard about the hot-pot on the menu and tells Betty who thinks it’s ludicrous! Betty suggests that they should call the health inspectors over to Nick’s bar with suspicion of rats. What that woman will do for a pay raise!
At the new bar, Leanne is running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to sort last minute details with Nick on her feet. While Nick and Leanne are flirting about, Janice comes in to give them the gossip about Michelle working at Underworld and how she’s not heard from Trev. Nick and Leanne are too self-involved to care. Just as Nick and Leanne are revelling at the bar with its lights on for the first time, they get a visit from Weatherfield Environmental Council on a report of vermin. Nick says he’ll take care of it and sets Leanne home. These two seem to be getting on better than alright, no?
Kevin is expecting the DNA results to see if Baby Jack is his, or Tyrone’s. He lies to Tyrone and says he’s expecting payment from a customer by courier, when it’s really the DNA test results. At the Old Rectory, Jack tells Molly that she’s a good wife and mother and it makes him feel good to know that Tyrone’s in good hands.
Rosie is planning Sophie’s big bash and inviting all of her friends. At the Webster’s, Rosie’s blow drying her hair in the living room while Sophie is cooking food and they blow the power. Well, what do you know? The Webster girls are useless, so Sophie runs to get her dad. Kevin is being torn away from the garage to fix this issue even though he’s waiting for his package to come by courier. While Kevin is gone, the package comes. Tyrone starts to open it but doesn’t have a chance to read what’s inside. Kev sees the opened package though and gets freaked when Tyrone asks him to explain something. He only wanted to know if baby Jack had his eyebrows or Molly’s. Kev blows up and tells them not to bring the baby around there since it’s not safe.
John is still walking on egg-shells with this new stalker in the mix. Charlotte arrives at the bookies since she got a message from John. John produces a receipt for the florists he found in Chesney’s pocket. Now John is accusing Chesney of harassing them. Seriously? John’s completely lost it. He feels that John is being tortured. Charlotte tries to dissuade him from thinking it’s Chesney and warns John against “just asking” Chesney if it’s him or not. John waits until Chesney comes home and confronts him about the florist receipt. John wants to know why he was hiding it and Fiz walks in. Chesney is forced to admit that he bought Katy flowers. John realizes that it was never Ches who’s been harassing him and starts to laugh maniacally. Fiz can’t understand his callous-seeming behaviour. However, John continues to get deep breathing phone calls.
Written by Jonathan Harvey, directed by Dominic LeClerc
Kevin reads the DNA report, and it’s likely as we’d expected. Sally comes to get him to take him to the pub so that they aren’t home for Sophie’s party. Kevin’s on edge treating his wife like crap, as usual. Kevin sees Tyrone and Kirk at the bar but argues with Sally about talking to them since he spends all day with Tyrone. Molly’s asleep at home and Kev comes by with the DNA results. He tells her that he’s the father of baby Jack, not Tyrone. Molly is furious with Kevin going behind her back without her consent. Molly knew all along, who is she trying to kid? Kevin wants to work out what they’re going to do. What could they possibly do? Molly wants to know what he wants to do. Kevin says he just wanted to know. Molly sobs that she wants baby Jack to be Tyrone’s. Well, maybe you shouldn’t have had an affair with Kevin? Just saying. Kevin leaves, and little do Molly and Kev know but Jack was listening in on the conversation the
entire time from the stairs. Big Jack, not little Jack. Molly is visibly upset but plays innocent when Jack enters the room. When Tyrone comes home, Jack has to leave the room. He can’t handle what he now knows.
Sophie’s party is on and her church friends don’t seem very impressed with Rosie as she comes to the party dressed like she belongs in a brothel. Rosie wants to know if the church girls are lesbians, but Sophie quickly corrects her. She is such a nincompoop. Rosie whips out her cleavage to these poor church girls. Church girl #1 wants to know whose party this is, Sophie’s or Rosie’s? No one would know. Rosie invites the other cherry vodka girls to the party and they start handing out shooters. Rosie also invited a local drag king to the party since she was told that there’d be “lots of hot chicks” there. Not so much, eh? Sophie and Sian are embarrassed when Church Girl #1 asks why that girl is dressed like a bloke. Sophie’s party is amok with underage drinking and shenanigans. No sooner is Sophie snogging Sian when Church Girl #1 is shocked and the pastor walks in. The youngest pastor ever, I might add. I thought at first he was another drag king
actually. The pastor is stunned at what he sees, and only Rosie can giggle. After he leaves, the party is in quick resume. There are teenagers making out, and throwing up all over the Webster’s. Sally and Kev return to their home and Kev thinks its’ “bang out of order.” I’ll say since Church Girl #1 sure has loosened up after a few shooters and some cans.
At Underworld, Carla returns to find Sean missing and Michelle knowing nothing of his whereabouts. Carla reminds Michelle that she’s paying her to keep an eye on the staff and orders her to find him. Meanwhile, Sean is set to meet his online date at the Rovers. He’s was preparing to meet a man that resembled “Ant” from “Ant and Deck” but didn’t quite get that. When will people learn? The only place on the internet that delivers what you want is here at Coronation Street Blog. Cheesy plug? Michelle finds Sean in the pub with his date and guilts him over leaving work and tells him that he’s going to come back or he’s sacked. She can be rather scary when she wants to be, can’t she? Sean figures his terrible date is worse than overtime at work and heads back to Underworld. Carla later tells Michelle that she’s impressed with her work and Michelle soaks this up faster than her self-tanner.
Leanne arrives at the Rovers and accuses Steve of setting the Environmental Council on them, but Steve plays dumb, and so well. Later, Nick arrives at the Rovers and tells Leanne and Steve that they passed the health test with flying colours. Leanne rubs this in Steve’s face. She quickly goes off with Nick to see the bar. More trouble for these two as when they arrive to the Joinery, there is water pouring from the ceilings. How did this happen?
At the Stape’s, Fiz warns Chesney to stay away from Katy for fear of Owen. Chesney probably has other plans as he’s going to Sophie’s birthday party. Chesney tells John that he had a funny phone call today – it was a breather. Chesney can’t understand why someone would want to do that. John and Fiz are watching a murder mystery (how fitting) and John is preoccupied as usual. Fiz goes to get the kettle and screams as she thinks she saw someone in the yard. Fiz was sure she saw someone, and the gate was open and all. Fiz wants to call the police but John convinces her they’ll be fine. Only, he’s not so sure is he?
- Liz sweeping the steps of the Rovers early in the morning in her usual hooker outfit. She’s something else!
- Betty and Steve conspiring against Nick’s new bar!
- When the power dies at the Webster’s, Sophie: “The oven’s just gone off…the flippin’ food.” Rosie: “Never mind that, what about my hair?” Rosie’s turning into a good comedic character. As long as she has a “straight man” around.
- Is it just me, or was it a miracle to see Michelle in a turtleneck and not something ridiculously low-cut? Is Eddie Windass going to start wearing jackets and pants soon?
- Janice to Michelle: “You’ve never stitched a pair of knickers in your life.” Michelle: “Well, maybe not but I wear them.” Janice: “Really, that’s not what I heard.” Michelle: “And I’ve heard that you’ve never taken yours off. Still, no demand, no supply.”
- Add one Chesney Battersby-Brown to the list of “Corrie Men doing the Ironing.”
- Sean’s terrible little online date! And I thought I had it bad!
- Sean to Michelle: “Yes, fraulein Connor, and your membership to Hitler’s Youth is in the post.” Janice: “Youth?!”
- Drag King to Sally: “Fancy a dance, hot stuff?” Sally: “I’m a married woman.” Ha-ha.
- Sally to a drunk Sophie: “When you wake up tomorrow, remember that you’ve embarrassed me, you’ve embarrassed your father…and well, you can’t embarrass your sister that’s impossible, but you’ve embarrassed yourself.”
- Carla getting confused and calling Michelle “Mrs. Connor” when she’s not. She’s “Miss. Connor” technically, if she’s using her family name. Although, Mrs. and Miss. Connor are still confusing!
- Rosie rudely talking to Rita in the Kabin and warning her not to check up on them since she nearly burnt down the kitchen last time. The cheek!
- That poor Charlotte. It looks as though she’s aged about 10 years since she’s been involved with Stapewick.
- Rosie blow-drying her hair while sitting on the chair in the living room. Who on EARTH blow dries their hair in the living room and not in front of a mirror? Do women on Corrie never blow dry their hair in the bathroom any more after what happened to Valerie Barlow?
- Tyrone to Jack: “Jack, how much do I love my son, eh?” Jack: “I know you do, love.”
The guy that played Sean's date... can anyone tell me who that was? I wonder if it was Nick Conway, who played Billy Boswell in Bread??? Missed the credits!
Surely Val was in her living room when she was eletrocuted? Nothing to do with water (except for her wet hair), just that the top came off a multi-plug adaptor, and she put her fingers on it without realising.
Loved Rosie organising the party for Sophie and flirting with Sian.
Does anyone know where Sophie's jumper she wears to her party is from... I love it!
Yes, agree with John. Val was about to dry her hair in the living room. Rosie tried and poof set the electrics off. She's lucky she didn't go the way of Val!
Eddie Windass wearing jackets and pants - no, that can't be allowed to happen!
Immediately after flashing her cleavage to the poor unsuspecting churchies, Rosie turned to Sian and said 'you know all about cleavage' and gave Sian a good Sally-style slap on her left cheek (but, unlike Sally, it wasn't her face). Sian quickly replied 'squeeeeee..'. So glad you liked that Sian.
Well done Corrie - new direction much appreciated!
Yes, it was definitly Nick Conway who played Billy Boswell in Bread! I recognised him instantly. He was very funny.
I loved Rosie flirting with Sian too :D
And how can you say
- Carla getting confused and calling Michelle “Mrs. Connor” when she’s not. She’s “Miss. Connor” technically, if she’s using her family name. Although, Mrs. and Miss. Connor are still confusing!
- Rosie rudely talking to Rita in the Kabin and warning her not to check up on them since she nearly burnt down the kitchen last time. The cheek!
The Connor thing was great and Rita is annoying so good to Rosie!
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