1983 saw the departure of Annie Walker and Len Fairclough. Doris Speed's health had deteriorated, which wasn’t helped when a national newspaper printed a copy of her birth certificate showing her to be 15 years older than she claimed. She was also traumatised by a robbery at her home while she was upstairs in bed and so moved into a nursing home. On screen, Annie Walker retired to her daughter’s in Derby.
Peter Adamson had stood trial on charges of indecent assault and was found not guilty. Having won the case and hence his costs would have been repaid, it was therefore puzzling why Adamson decided to sell his story to a newspaper. He had been warned before about selling unauthorised interviews before and so Granada felt they had no option but to sack him. On screen, Len was killed in a car accident after falling asleep at the wheel while driving back from a job in Ashton. To add insult to injury, it was revealed after the funeral that Len had in fact been having an affair with Marjorie Proctor.
Peter Adamson had stood trial on charges of indecent assault and was found not guilty. Having won the case and hence his costs would have been repaid, it was therefore puzzling why Adamson decided to sell his story to a newspaper. He had been warned before about selling unauthorised interviews before and so Granada felt they had no option but to sack him. On screen, Len was killed in a car accident after falling asleep at the wheel while driving back from a job in Ashton. To add insult to injury, it was revealed after the funeral that Len had in fact been having an affair with Marjorie Proctor.

Also in 1983: Deirdre Barlow has an affair with Mike Baldwin; Eddie Yeats and Marion Willis get married; first appearances for Curly Watts, Terry Duckworth, Kevin Webster and Percy Sugden; Suzie Birchall returns but leaves again after failing to seduce Brian Tilsley; Graffiti Club opens; the Duckworths move into No. 9, complete with pigeons; Vince St Clair & Carole Malone go on a ‘date’.
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