In our latest podcast, we chat about the Corrie episodes shown in the UK between the 18th and the 22nd December (Episodes #11,139 - 11,144).
It's the week before Christmas, and even though it doesn't necessarily feel like it's building up to anything especially explosive on the big day, Friday's trip to Weatherfield did at least get us invested in Ed's gambling story for the first time, and it's certainly going to be cringe inducing to watch him being the only one at No. 3 to open a gift on Monday morning surrounded by his loving family! Meanwhile, Jenny and Daisy resort to underhand measures to get their mitts on the Rovers, and we discuss our stance on their deception. Also this week, we share our thoughts about the stagnation of certain businesses on the street as it seems like things are going to be back to to status quo at the salon, and it looks like Peter's getting ready to set sail - but can Carla's mysterious Christmas gift get him to change his mind?
A fairly short episode of the podcast this week, but you haven't got time to listen to us wittering on, have you? It's Christmas! Have a good one, and don't forget to vote in the Conversation Street Awards if you haven't done so yet!
Street Talk - 00:07:41
Feedback - 02:03:49
This week, we do something a bit different for our bonus episode, which, due to its visual nature, is exclusive to YouTube. Want to know what's going to happen in to our favourite Weatherfield residents in 2024? Wonder no more - A.I. has the answer! Harnessing the power of ChatGPT and Bing's Image Creator, not only do we find out what is 100% guaranteed to take place on the cobbles over the next month*, we actually get to see what it looks like too!
(*Not a guarantee)
You can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, stream all our old episodes on our own site here, or click the play buttons above to give it a listen from the comfort of this very blog!

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