Wednesday 20th December
WILL JENNY GET MONEY TO BUY THE ROVERS? Jenny approaches Carla and asks her if she’ll lend her some money so that she can apply for a mortgage and buy the Rovers back. What will Carla say?
ED’S JOY IS SHORT LIVED With Aggie unable to get home for Chrismat the family vow to make it special for Glory. Ed promises Serge he will have the 1K he promised to lend him. Paul arrives with the cash they owe Ed who is relieved he can finally pay Tony, but when Serge finds him with the cash he assumes it is for him. Ronnie takes everyone to the Bistro and hands Ed some cash to buy drinks. But unbeknownst to Ed a furious Tony has spotted him apparently slashing the cash instead of paying him. Tony corners Ed and makes it clear he wants the money he’s owed by tomorrow.
CARLA SUSPECTS PETER IS UP TO SOMETHING Carla is surprised when, having said he is too busy to have lunch with her, she finds Peter cleaning the flat. Peter admits that he’s arranged to meet the mother of the donor who provided him with a new liver and she’s due round shortly. Carla insists that she’ll be by his side. How will the meeting go? Peter admits to Valerie that he’s an alcoholic and her son’s liver saved his life.
WILL THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS BOND EVELYN AND CASSIE? Evelyn calls at No.9 and suggests to Tyrone he takes the girls to Norfolk to see Fiz while she spends Christmas with Roy. Realising that leaves Cassie on her own, Evelyn reluctantly invites her to join them. In the café, Roy suffers a spasm in his back. Debbie helps him upstairs whilst Evelyn pops on a pinny and assures Roy she’ll cover his shift. Cassie comes up with a gift idea from Roy to Evelyn.
WHO WILL GET THE SALON JOB? Audrey interviews Maria who describes her vision for the salon. Audrey seems impressed. Audrey interviews David but he fails to take it seriously leaving her annoyed. Who will she choose?
ELSEWHERE An emotional Carla and Debbie wave Ryan off as he leaves for Glasgow. Daisy watches sadly as his taxi disappears from view.
Glenda Young
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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