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Monday 12 February 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Sunday 11 February 2024

In the UK we have had a few gaps and this episode should have been broadcast last Wednesday - although it is not obvious.  There is another catchup episode coming on Tuesday too.  Sam does not make his chess championship because a somewhat hungover Simon, who was still well over the drink/drive limit, was browbeaten to drive him whilst Nick was attending to something which Nick considered more important (and which no-one knows about and he refuses to talk about).  Simon crashes Leanne's car (a 2009 reg).  Simon and Sam leave the scene of the incident and Simon later has to admit events to Leanne, including being over the limit.  Kev recovers the vehicle.

Bethany's double dealing starts to unwind when Daniel answers her phone to find he is talking to "Chit Chat" about the article and not some glossy upmarket magazine.  She is forced to admit that she has written about Ryan, Daisy and Daniel - but she changed the names to protect the innocent.  Daniel reads it and accepts that the article is well written and suggests Bethany needs to tell Daisy about it.  

Damon and Sarah are house hunting - Sarah has accepted that she will have to leave the flat and Damon agrees to a house with a garden.  Adam finds out from Dee Dee about Damon's attempted manipulation of Ed's insurance claim and uses it as another weapon to attack Damon - also claiming that he has moved on from Sarah and with the rest of his life.  I am not sure he has moved on that much as he accompanies John Perry to the police station to give a knowingly false statement over Natasha's murder.  It all sounds fairly airy-fairy to me but Adam is convinced it ties in adequately with the known facts to provide grounds for an investigation by the police into Harvey's probably wrongful conviction.  

Lauren needs cash for her exam entrance - which she struggles to find and Daniel offers to fund it - she later says thank you so he has lent her the money - but she is struggling at the moment financially.

Simon spends the rest of the episode skulking around corners and hiding from Nick.  He leaves a message on Peter's answering machine complaining at being abandoned, although he then deletes the message.  He is a lost soul at the moment.  He packs to run away to London but Leanne stops him.  To save Simon's backside as her surrogate son, Leanne tells Nick that there was a brake failure.  However the truth is unlikely to remain a secret on the Street given that the axle is damaged and will cost more than a small bump.

More seriously when explaining to Adam about the false insurance claim Dee Dee also told Adam about the insider trading in the Newton & Ridley shares undertaken by Ronnie and so the web of deceit starts to unravel - and is Joel anywhere near as perfect as he tries to be?  Even he struggles to maintain his facade and he does not seem to be run off his feet like other solicitors!

So, episodes this week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and I think we will then be back on schedule!

Written by Debbie Oates.  Directed by Suri Krishnamma.


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