Wednesday 14th February 2024
MARIA CATFISHES LIAM Liam announces to Maria that he’s not going to school anymore. Gary and Maria see Mrs Crawshaw and explain how Liam’s refusing to go to school because he’s being bullied by Mason and Dylan. Mrs Crawshaw tells them that until they have proof, there’s nothing she can do. Eileen urges Maria to check Liam’s socials as she’ll likely find the evidence she needs there. Maria creates a fake SendPx account and sends Liam a follow request. As Maria scrolls through the comments on Liam’s account her face becomes ashen. Gary and Maria tell Liam that the only option left is for him to change schools. In his bedroom, Liam googles ways to kill himself.
BOBBY THINKS THAT LAUREN HAS THE EX-FACTOR Bobby hands Lauren a small bunch of flowers. But when a delivery man enters with a huge posh bouquet, an embarrassed Bobby realises he’s got competition. Lauren thanks Bobby for the flowers, but when her phone rings a gutted Bobby assumes she’s spoken for. Lauren tells the caller to leave her alone.
TRACY AND TOMMY RUB EACH OTHER UP THE WRONG WAY Amy admires the Valentine’s card that Steve gave Tracy. Steve admits that Tracy didn’t buy him one. At the flower shop Tommy spells out to Tracy that they’re finished. Tracy makes out she couldn’t care less when suddenly Amy appears, demanding to know what’s going on.
ELSEWHERE Paul urges Summer to accept the American offer as he doesn’t want to hold her back. Simon admits to Nick, Leanne and Toyah that he’s been drinking too much and he intends to change. Leanne hugs him, but it’s clear Nick doesn’t share her optimism. When Toyah lets slip that Nick was planning to propose to her, Leanne’s taken aback. Leanne gets down on one knee and proposes to Nick. After recent events will he accept?

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