Monday 12th February 2024
SIMON’S GUILT GETS THE BETTER OF HIM As Sam plays chess with Roy before school, he struggles to make a basic move and Roy’s bemused. Meanwhile Simon tells Nick he’s sorry about the car. Nick assures him it was an accident, but when Kevin lets slip that the car repairs were nothing to do with the brakes, Nick’s suspicions grow. At school Hope finds Sam unconscious on the floor and yells for a teacher. Sam’s rushed to hospital, where Leanne tells the doctor that Sam was involved in a car accident, forced to admit to Nick that the brakes weren’t at fault, she lied to protect Simon as he’d been drinking and was over the limit when he crashed. Nick reels. Awash with guilt Simon decides to take responsibility.
DANIEL SNAPS BETHANY’S OLIVE BRANCH Bethany assures Daniel that she’ll never do anything to hurt him again and she’ll speak to Daisy about her article. Will they kiss and make up? Bethany persuades Daisy to join her for a coffee in the hope they can bury the hatchet, but when the conversation descends into a row will Bethany be able to fight her corner?
BOBBY HAS DADDY ISSUES Rita and Mary are taken aback to learn that Bobby is Rob’s son. Feeling the heat, Bobby tells Carla he needs to know all about Tina, the girl his Dad killed. Having found out that his Dad killed Tina in cold blood, not self defence as he’d been led to believe, Bobby’s shocked.
ELSEWHERE Gary agrees to let Liam spend the day with him at the furniture shop. Summer confides in Billy that she’s been offered a chance to study in America but she knows that now is not the right time, given Paul’s illness.
Glenda Young
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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