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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Why Schmeichel should stay on the Street

Baby Hope or Schmeichel? Schmeichel or baby Hope? 

Are you appalled by or applauding Fiz for wanting to get rid of the big slobbery dog now that there's a little slobbery baby in the house? 

Dogs charity The Dogs Trust understand Fiz's Coronation Street concerns but say on their blog that there's no reason why anyone with a new baby in the house should get rid of a family pet, no matter how big and how drooling it is.   Lying, cheating, murdering husbands, however, are quite another matter and Fiz ought to take advice.

Have a read of their blog and see what the dog experts say about the current canine chaos on Corrie.


gab said...

i love schmeichel but do understand why she would be worried as the baby was premature fiz is extra paranoid-anyway its too big for the house

Anonymous said...

I'm appalled. So the baby was premature. And?? If she weren't okay, she wouldn't have been released from the hospital.

Schmeichel is the ONLY steady thing that Chesney has had in his life. I don't blame him for wanting to leave if his dog is forced to go.

Fiz has become yet another whiney shrew on the Street.
~JB in Canada

Steve said...

I'm just concerned where Schmichael has been living for the last 4 years as he is never seen or heard of until now. You can hardly miss him in a small terrace house but he is never seen or heard of until the last week. Even when noises were heard in the yard, he never barked, he was never sent out to "see them off", no one "walked" into stuff in the back yard and he was never in the kitchen or lounge so where was he?

bbhilda said...

Being a total softy when it comes to animals, I would never get rid of one. When you take an animal into your family, I feel it's no different to adopting a child (I've done that too) you take it on for life, and everyone can learn to live together. Besides I do believe children grow up to be better adults if they have been taught to love and respect an animal in their formative years. That being said, Schmeichel is too big for that house, he deserves somewhere with a big garden or fields nearby to run around in. However, they adopted him, and he deserves to be allowed to live out his life with the only family he remembers.
At least his fate is being discussed, unlike Monica who just disappeared with no explanation.

Anonymous said...

Oh please... is there really a serious debate between choosing to keep a baby versus a dog?

Llywela said...

I totally understand Fiz's paranoia, given Hope's extreme fragility and hole in heart and whatnot, not to mention the strain Fiz has been under trying to cope alone with John in hospital. But she is going over the top regarding the dog. He isn't going to harm the baby. If she doesn't want him to sit on the baby's blankets she shouldn't put them on the floor. She can train Chesney to be more careful about leaving dirty dog dishes and forks near the baby's equipment. He's an elderly dog who doesn't deserve to be kicked out of his home - plus, as Chesney pointed out, he's the one consistent thing in Chesney's life, so it's terrible for Ches to be asked to choose between him and Hope.

bbhilda said...

No anonymous, it's not a debate between choosing to keep a baby versus a dog. Nobody has suggested the baby should go that I am aware of. The question is whether Fiz can find a way to allow her baby to co-exist with Schmeichel, or whether he should be discarded like an unwanted piece of furniture.

Frosty the Snowman said...

Steve makes a valid point, where has Schmeikel been for the past years? Where was he when nutter Charlotte broke in? I think its no brainer, the dog is too big for the house and children come before dogs, you dont want him slobbering all over Hope and a dogs slobber is full of bacteria, soz to dog lovers who are obviously going to shriek about this. Chesney can take him with him when he sets up home with dozy Katie and their behbey.

Scott Willison said...

It's awful to even think about getting rid of a pet, but Fiz isn't in the best frame of mind - she's alone and caring for a very fragile baby. Probably if John was there with her he'd be able to convince her she was being paranoid, but instead she's got no-one to help her out - it's all in her head.

I was more amused by Kirk offering to take Schmeichel. Yes, I can see Maria LOVING that in the tiny hairdresser's flat.

Anonymous said...

Being humane and being human means being kind to all creatures. But children come before animals. As much as pets prove beneficial to children, families, and old people -- I have to remain loyal to my own species first, as flawed, undeserving and as troublesome as they can be.

It is a total irony to me when I see that in the Western world, pets eat better and live than most humans around the world.

gab said...

tell me if im wrong but hes chesneys dog not fiz's and although she took chesney in she has the right to say she doesnt want a dog there anymore

its not her dog after all-and chesney is grown up now with a job he can move

NotaGingerFan said...

I say keep Schmeichel and get rid of Fiz. No disrespect intended but is that gap between her two front teeth wider than me it seems so and whenever she is on I can't tear my eyes from it although that voice brings me back.....and in a bad way!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wonder about that gap. I suppose it's part of her persona or character, but when you're making good money as an actress - spend a couple of quid and get the teeth fixed!!!

Anonymous said...

Fiz used to be feisty and wouldn't take sh!t from anyone. Now all she does in whine and wring her hands...bring back the old Fiz..please!!

Peggy said...

I'm so disappointed in this story line. I'm a dog lover and was heart broken when a member of my extended family surrendered their pet to the shelter upon the birth of their first child. I totally get that Fiz is stressed with John in the nut barn and the baby coming home but this is not rational and it sets a horrible example. I don't blame Chesney a bit for wanting to leave (not too sure about him becoming a father though)!

Anonymous said...

I love Fiz...always did and always will, feisty or fallible. And I agree that she's totally within her right to protect her baby. If that means getting rid of the over-sized family pet... well so be it.

Sea Penguin said...

I love Fiz's teeth! that gap needs to stay. And so should Schmeichel.

bbhilda said...

Ozzy is almost as big as Schmeichel, and Maria had no trouble balancing the love of her baby with the love of her dog, in fact aren't they all now living in the tiny flat above the salon with Kirk as well? Now that has to be difficult! Anyone know why she moved? I know they wanted to bring Dev & Sunita into the street, but that decision made Maria appear to be as thick as her brother.

Anonymous said...

no, no, no... the big slobbering beast has no place with a newborn in a tiny flat.


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