The story had Jack Duckworth changing a fuse but causing a small fire to break out in the fuse box which flared up after the Rovers had closed. Bet was trapped upstairs in her bedroom awoken by the smoke, she had to crawl out to the stairs and scream as she saw the flames lapping up the stairwell. When it came to film the scene the stairs had completely burnt out by the time she got to them and everything had to be reset.
Julie Goodyear has this to say about the subsequent action: ‘It was real fear the second time; I’d seen what fire could do. The fire brigade gave me oxygen every four minutes because the smoke was real.’ Floor manager John Friend Newman gave Julie the cue and she staggered towards the stairs, saw the flames and screamed. John shouted ‘Cut!’ then rushed forward, threw Julie to the floor and started beating out the flames round her feet. The director had been working so intently on getting the shot that he failed to notice that Julie’s nightdress was on fire. ‘I can assure you that the scream at the top of the staircase was authentic.’

Also in 1986: Rita Fairclough fosters Jenny Bradley; Susan Barlow marries Mike Baldwin; Ken Barlow hits Mike; Pat Phoenix dies; Vera Duckworth wins a car in a ‘Husband of the Year’ competition; Gail Tilsley has an affair with Ian Latimer; Terry Duckworth finds out he’s a father to Paul Clayton; Ken adopts Tracy.
I think Sally is the one person in the street who has hardly changed in the past 25 years!
Sunny Jim, just want to say thanks very much for these articles, I know how much work must go into them and it's much appreciated.
For a relative newbie to Corrie like myself, it's really interesting to learn about the background to characters and why they do what they do. For example, I was a bit puzzled over why Sally was so casual about taking Sian in... now I know! The same thing happened to her.
Seddons is s simple ordinary plural.
There is no need for an apostrophe.
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