At Simon's request, Peter is organising a funeral for Leanne-the-rabbit. Sophie Webster offers to have the funeral in their yard. Peter is still thinking long and hard about the fact that Simon needs a mother. The wheels in his head are turning and he takes Simon a a restaurant in Leeds, where Leanne works. Leanne is delighted to see Simon, but shocked and dismayed to see Peter. Peter begs her back, but she brushes him off telling him she's got a boyfriend and a life and she isn't going anywhere. Well, not so since she's seen coming out of a cab on Coronation Street and will be staying with Janice. Does this mean a return to Leanne on the cobbles?
Steve and Becky are blissfully enjoying their lives and planning their "wedding reception, take two." Before the reception, Steve is met by Hooch, and Hooch asks tells him to get in his car, as he'd like to have a word with him. Hooch tells Steve that Becky's in the clear, but not before warning him that Becky's bad news. Is there going to be more Hooch to come, or is it really over? Becky and Steve enjoy the wedding reception they should have had, and the guests un-enjoy the cake that Eddie baked. I hope no one finds a knuckle hair in their piece!
Pam's online advertisement for Jesse did the trick, as he's drowning in CV's. A few terrible interviews later, and Julie tells Jesse she'll play Hiyalowa for the time being. She could have been in Mamma Mia, after all.
Sean is worried about the truth colliding when he finds out that Jason is at a gay bar with his gay footie team. Sean arrives to find a very inebriated Jason and a very jealous Leon. Leon says he's in love with Jason and believes that Sean is jealous when he tries to tell Leon that Jason is straight. Well, surprise, surprise, Jason takes off his shirt and wins the coveted title of "Mr. Gay Weatherfield." There's one for the trophy room. At the end of the night, all of Sean's follies are revealed, and the only one still happy is Jason. At least until he wakes up the next morning and realise what happened. Well, he might still be happy.
Darryl and Amber are heading off to 'College Jeff's' party when Amber tells Darryl that she's invited her friend Mitch to come along with them. Darryl is immediately jealous of Mitch, and with good reason too. Darryl refuses to go to the party, so Amber goes with Mitch alone. Mitch walks Amber back to her place, and plants a big wet one on her out front. Darryl catches the two of them snogging in the street and retreats to the kebab shop for some sympathy kebab and useless advice from his mum. How cutting!
- Blanche worried that her "funeral outfit" might not get cleaned in time for Leanne-the-rabbit's funeral, and heaven forbid, she might have to wear slacks.
- Sally telling Kevin that she feels uncomfortable about a funeral going on in their backyard for a "transsexual rabbit." You wonder where Rosie gets it from.
- Blanche saying that Simon's smile can light up a room. And that he gets that from her. Pffft!
- Becky in curlers a la Hilda Ogden (see pic below)
- Becky's "quirky" American accent. That was fabulous!
- The conga-line in the Rovers!
- Roy commenting that a suit hides a multitude of sins. Is that why I love a man in a suit?
- One of the auditions for Hiyalowa calling Eileen "Amanda Holden on steroids." lol.
- Leanne disgusted to see Peter in her restaurant, then she's back on the street in no time. What is that about? Make up your mind, woman! I like them together, however.
- DC Hooch and his strange little convo with Steve in his car. What on EARTH did anyone derive from that one? Have we seen the last of him, or what?
- Roy commenting that the cake was surprisingly tasty, and Anna saying the same about her Eddie. Oh *shudders* That's enough to make anyone lose an appetite. For cake. Forever.
- Watching Darryl's face as his heart breaks in two watching Amber snogging Mitch out front Victoria Court. The first cut is the deepest.
- Teresa eating spam out of the can with a fork! Gross. That woman is like some kind of feral cat!

Blimey! When the drag act appeared, I thought for one moment that Bet Lynch had made a comeback!
Did anyone understand the point of Teresa and her Spam? It seemed completely random and wasn't even funny.
I know! And then she begged to show it to Steve? Was she drunk?
Trust Becky to out-curler Hilda!
That cake looked like the one that got squashed. Surely they wouldn't be eating two week old squashed cake? Wouldn't that be a health hazard even if it was stale?
- DC Hooch and his strange little convo with Steve in his car. What on EARTH did anyone derive from that one? Have we seen the last of him, or what?
I was wondering the very same... can't they give Steve and Becky at least a day's happiness??
Brilliant review! I loved Theresa and the Spam, I think she was supposed to be a bit drunk, was she? And Jason keeping his sash and the conga line were all wonderful. Jonathan Harvey did wonderfully in this episode.
Great episodes and some great lines again. I didn't understand the Spam scene either and think Theresa is pointless now and rather creepy??? Didnt like Eileen's sourface comments at Steve and Becky's do while enjoying the hospitality. Loved Julie's "Agay" and believing she met Bjon of Abba in a cafe in Weatherfield!
Re: Hooch and his strange little convo with Steve -- my immediate thought was that the necklace harbors a wireless bug!! Guess am watching too many Frost, Poirot, etc. who-done-its... I definitely think Hooch is up to something.
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