Wednesday 7th August 2024
Fiz is floored when she bumps into Alina in Fresco’s car park, who explains she’s been called as a witness in a trial. Will she tell Tyrone his ex is back? Hope visits Dr Gadass wanting to go on the pill. She gives her condoms and urges her to talk to her family. How will they react?
Stu offers Mason a job as a pot washer, a decision which proves to be very unpopular. When Mason tells Betsy he’s prepared for trouble, she warns Dylan that he’d better not mess with Mason as working in a restaurant he has access to some very sharp knives.
Joel scrolls through Betsy’s social media. An oblivious Dee-Dee reckons it’s time they booked their honeymoon. When Betsy demands £100 or she’ll blab about him picking up young girls, Joel loses his temper and drags her into the ginnel.
When Leanne fails to offer any kind words before Toyah’s appointment, it’s left to Nick to accompany her.
With Sid’s job offer now off the table, Beth asks Carla if she can return to the factory.
Glenda Young
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!

I would hope that Carla would say no...Beth is vile and was incredibly rude to Carla, not to mention endangering everyone's livlihood with her illegal activities. Ta Ta Beth!
I guess the line about Mason having access to knives was cut in light of recent events...
Is it just me? I get shades of Clockwork Orange with Mason...maybe it's the eyelashes, but the kid creeps me out. Great acting as a menace!
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