Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 19th August


I don't think Joel has much of a chance with both D.S. Swain and D.C. Deedee on his case. Plus his evil reign has to come to an end sooner or later, leaving us with just Rowan and his George Michael in the 80s wig as the main villain. Anyway, using a search engine, she discovers that the only thing available for £300 at the jewellers where Joel claimed he got Maeve's charm bracelet is a pendant. I think the prices might have gone up since December what with all that inflation we've been having. But she recognises it as the necklace Roy drew, the one given to Lauren by her "boyfriend", so two and two start to equal five. She visits Lauren in the baby unit and when she mentions Belfast, not just the penny but the pound drops for Deedee. In a montage section, we run through the many hairstyles of Deedee every lie he ever told her and the biggest one - their relationship. 
However, she thought she was unmasking a cheater rather than a psychopath and when she hears about the violence, Deedee drags Lauren to the cop shop to tell all to Swain, and she also realises what Lauren hasn't, that Joel must've caused the premature labour. Deedee is wasted in that solicitors office (wills are being left unwritten and houses unconveyanced whilst Deedee does the job of the police) but Joel is one step ahead of them, confessing the affair to Kit but accusing Lauren of taking the pills deliberately. As an aside, this is quite an interesting take on a real life story of the uptick in the police prosecuting women (usually girls) using abortion pills after the 10 week limit (or even if they've had a premature baby).
tracy mcdonald, cassie plummer, steve mcdonald, coronation street

Talking of villain(esse)s, Tracy is back and straight into a feud with Cassie. Ms Langton-Barlow-McDonald hasn't had a good scrap for ages, remember her disputes with Becky and Carla? Steve is more sympathetic to Tracy's plight, which is odd since he wasn't very sympathetic when she left. Maybe his self-pity disappeared with his divorce-beard. She admits that she's not happy with Tommy as he spends all of his time at the football club, leaving her alone and friendless in a villa and she'd rather be alone and friendless on t'cobbles instead. 

Whilst Leanne's away, Toyah and Nick will play, or rather eat off-brand Calippos on a bench in the precinct. Confessing hasn't worked well for Nick as when Toyah finds out that David knows about their tryst, she is unhappy. But he also admits that he thinks about her all the time and they kiss. I have to say that, after a similar operation to Toyah's, I was more concerned with keeping my food down, eating enough calories and getting out of my sickbed for a walk rather than snogging my sister's ex-husband/current fiancé, but each to their own. Therapist, counsel thyself!
Also in the dog house is Ryan as makes a date with Kit instead of hanging with Daisy, who is for some reason wearing a scrunchie as big as her head. I think though that romance rather than bromance might be Kit's end game here.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter


Humpty Dumpty said...

A better episode than many of late as Joel's story gathers speed. However, it was spoilt by that over-used device of listening through closed doors. Often it's someone in the ladies loo, emerging with a smirk on their face. This time, it was not only Dee Dee listening through the closed ward door but then Joel! You'd think that, having just been an eavesdropper herself, Dee Dee would have checked the corridor to make sure no-one was listening. Never mind, at least it pushed the story on a bit further.

Anonymous said...

Wow! 6 months of joel's lies, deceptions,manipulations and violence and all that figured out in one episode!! I was in complete shock, I thought they'd string it out for a few weeks! Joel's obviously finished now and will be banged up in no time. Corrie justice! I'm glad about that, but surprised at how quickly it all happened

Anonymous said...

A cliffhanger! Are Joel and Lauren both in custody? Will senior officer Swain prevail over gullible Kit who of course believed Joel's lies? Even though he fitted up Nathan so he knows he may not be guilty.

Anonymous said...

I too thought for someone who has just been through fairly major surgery Toyah was doing remarkably ( if not unrealistically) well.

Anonymous said...

Of course. Toyah would spend a few days in bed and would struggle to walk. She certainly wouldn't find intimate relations comfortable!


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