Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Saturday 24 August 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 23 August 2024

Good evening.  All aboard for a tour along Coronation Street!  We might as well start at the Chariot Square Hotel where Alina's mystery watcher has followed her to her room and having been allowed in makes it clear that she needs to shut her mouth - luckily Ron Bailey happens to be wandering around as Alina has some broken plumbing - and he strong arms the heavy out of the door.  Alina decides that she needs to do an unencumbered run for it so Dorin is dumped on Number 9 - and the earlier hours that Fiz spent in tears worrying if Ty was about to take up with the floozy are laid to rest as she is off into the wide blue yonder and Ty, having lost Jack to Kev gains a Dorin in exchange.  Remember in Hebrew (not Romanian) Dorin means gift.  So this was foreseen when he was named by Alina during her absence from the Street.  Fiz is not keen - but there seems to be no alternative.  Later Hope and Evelyn make it clear that they are not sold on the idea - only Ruby seems keen!

The spectre of Nathan Curtis hovers over Sarah-Lou and DS Swain wearing a swirly pattern jumper pops into Underworld to invite Sarah for a conversation, under caution, on the "evidence" found in Nathan's van.  Sarah is unable to shed any light on the events but obviously is pretty certain that Kit could!  (Will the knitwear achieve world dominance like Sarah Lund's Faroese  jumpers?).  Oddly, given that we know that Toyah and Imran had to drive to the police station because it was so far away, once interviewed Sarah elects to walk back to Underworld!  However DS Swain reckons that someone planted the hair on Nathan and later talks to Kit about it telling him that she knows Curtis has been setup.  Kit tries to blame Joel - but DS Swain is having none of it - Kit pushes her back to working out they get Joel convicted.  

Sarah also takes Daniel to task - he needs to get Bethany to back off from pursuing Nathan as she knows it could bring the house of cards tumbling down.  Daniel catches Kit in t'Street and tells him that he has to do the right thing - which of course would be the end of his police career.  Kit declines saying that he did not plant any evidence and Daniel is barking up the wrong tree. Events mean that Daniel lets slip his suspicions to Daisy - who observes that Kit is definitely not someone you want to cross.

Dee Dee has to apologise to Emily and Dee Dee brings her up to date on recent events.  Dee Dee also tells Emily that she needs to look after Maeve as Joel is dangerous.  The tracking app means that when Joel pops into Adam's office to berate Dee Dee for reporting him to the Solicitors' Regulation Authority she knows he is coming and is able to take a deep breath before he kicks off another series of threats after Emily has refused him visits to Maeve.

Amy is not exactly excelling as waitress in the Bistro and having been given a pep talk earlier on by Rowan, mystic cult leader, who is amazingly focussed on the financial needs of a phantasmagorical "Resource Centre" which needs money and yet will generate profits from day 1, she takes a polite request from Nick to get the job done as reason to lay down her job and become an entrepreneur by investing Deidre's money (despite Aadi's warning ringing in all of ears).  Meanwhile Toyah and Nick have been to a tasting together and she is in a very good mood.  Tracy is proud of Amy standing up for herself and Rowan turns up - so that Amy can confirm she will be investing.  And Rowan will arrange an upload session (from her bank account to his).

Kirk attempts to broker peace in the Middle East between Beth and Craig and initially it goes badly but Beth does eventually apologise for causing Craig problems at work.  However Craig cannot let matters rest and feels that Beth needs to explain events to Kirk as to why they fell out and then Kirk realises that he was delivering (wrongly) the knock off T-shirts and he kicks off storming out of the Rovers.  She explains that she wanted a proper wedding - but Kirk is unhappy that he has been lied to again.  Beth turns on Craig for insisting that Kirk be told.  

A solid episode - bit lacking in the humour department but we are where we are at the moment.  I was left wondering why Daisy is being drawn into the story around Nathan Curtis and Kit - but I suspect that in some way something she will hear at the Rovers may be a key element.  But I could well be wrong.  I think we all know that Beth will be leaving and that is fast approaching.  Physically I have to say that she looks awful and I hope that it is all down to make up.

Next week I will be away on the high seas on a short cruise but I hope to be back the following week having spent the day chasing a steam engine on the Swanage Railway.  

Written by Jan McVerry and John Kerr.  Directed by Joshua Reeves.



Anonymous said...

I cringed when Tracy said she was going for a waz, this is so uncouth, surely a woman would just say she is going to the loo.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the wife telling Deedee that Joel was a good man?

Anonymous said...

Pity Amy has forgotten Aadi's advice.
Joel wouldn't let Emily divorce him unless she told DeeDee that he was a good bloke.

Sharon at A Quick Read said...

I think it would be the sort of thing Tracey would say and the writers needed a reason for her exit on the scene. Calling Alina a floozy is unfair. I know it's what Evelyn would say but it was Ty who cheated on his long- term partner, after all. We'll be losing quite a lot of characters in the coming months- Paul, Joel, Rowan, Sabrina, Beth, Gail and Stu. Simon's left and I bet Alina is killed off (off screen) too. Also, the actress who plays Bethany is pregnant, so she'll be taking maternity leave. So that's 7 for certain who are leaving. Bethany will return later, as they need Platt family members when Gail leaves. It'd be good to see the return of Eileen and Peter Barlow. I've read that Damien is returning and Jessy, the former love interest of Eileen, played by John Thompson is rumoured to be back (Gail's love interest perhaps?)

Humpty Dumpty said...

A few weeks back, I commented that there must have been some re-writing going on. Emily, Joel's ex, told Deedee not to dump him. I don't remember any scene where it explained why she said that eg: he paid her to say that or threatened her if she didn't. It seemed an odd thing for Emily to say but it's all been forgotten.

Jeanie said...

Please don't have Alina die off screen! I like her character and the actress too. It seems so unfair to bring these characters back (like Natasha)for the sole purpose of producing a child for a main character! Then be killed off! Very sexist too; they're just son brooders. Hopefully they won't repeat the storyline which they have just done with Natasha and Sam and Alina will live to see another day (and another tacky poster-sized photo of her next lover, LOL)

Anonymous said...

It was dealt with very quickly a couple of weeks ago. Possibly when DeeDee asked for Maeve to be flower girl and gave her the fairy charm. Emily said there was no charm bracelet, that DeeDee mustn't trust Joel, and that Emily could be honest now her divorce was through.

Anonymous said...

Sue Cleaver had not left, she was starring in the stage musical Sister Act. When the tour has finished, she will return

Fluttershy said...

Again, Ty KISSED Alina. One kiss. And he told Fiz about it. Nothing else happened between Ty and Fiz until after Fiz left him.

Sharon at A Quick Read said...

I said it'd be good to see the return of Eileen - I didn't say that Sue cleaver had left. I think Evelyn is also leaving for a while to do panto this year. If my info is wrong, so be it. This is what I've read in the media.

Kelly said...

Similar to the Joel/Emily confusion, I don't understand why Kit would plant evidence. He surely has loads to lose (career, reputation) and very little to gain (possible bunk up with Sarah)??


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