Welcome to another Wednesday Weatherfield round-up and to catch up on the latest goings on, on Coronation Street. It’s the start of a new month, and having done two Corrie press days in two weeks, I can promise that this is a good one - a lot is coming up!
Tonight starts where Monday left off. Paul’s perilous health situation (he’s not telling anybody because more drama is promised) remains hidden from his family, but Dee-dee is trying to use his diagnosis as a mitigating circumstance in court! However, what with being penniless and with Gemma’s wedding coming up, Paul is soon pushed to make another criminal decision with a car theft for Nile. Unluckily, he’s caught in the act by Dee-dee who refuses to turn a blind eye, so Paul decides not to steal it after all. Rather than facing the cops, the lawyer gives him another grilling and tells him to reveal Nile and the car-stealing racket to the cops. Paul then heads over to see Damon in the hope of blackmailing money out of him to cover up for the car ring.
Brian and George’s new friendship based on model-building pulls us back into Corrie's territory of old, it’s twee, it’s unassuming, and kinda like when Sam and Roy play chess together - I love it. I'm hoping Roy gets invited into this group. Tonight, Brian is looking into entering a competition, with George as his right-hand man. Things soon turn sour though, when one of the small parts goes missing!
Meanwhile, this Bistro licensing storyline is pulling all kinds of residents together, and in the middle of it, we have Damon and Sarah's fatal attraction. Women do love a bad boy I guess, and no more so than on this street. It's Adam’s birthday tonight and Sarah is playing happy families until Adam gets wind of some local opposition to the late-night licence intricacies. Damon is soon on the scene, and muscles in on the couple's birthday drink - a menage a trois, indeed. Maria then heads into the Bistro and tells Sarah she's not the only one to have objected - right in the earshot of Nick. Adam is fuming, Damon plays dumb, and Sarah struggles to make amends with her husband, who shows a rare glimpse of Mike Baldwin's DNA when he decides to get stuck into his business dealings instead. I liked that. He tells Nick to go on a charm offensive to win residents over. Outside the factory, Sarah warns Damon off.
Elsewhere in the Platt/Barlow/Metcalfe family drama, Stephen moves his Las Vegas wedding plans forward and starts to make use of Elaine’s (never before mentioned) illness. Tim and Audrey’s benevolence towards the couple only seems to help his cause -Tim’s got his card marked. Audrey's shock is cooled by Elaine’s temperament and she’s soon in tears. It was a surprising unleash of emotion, and tonight's top scene for me! Later on, Elaine tells Stephen that she wants a Weatherfield wedding instead.
In other news, Aaron moves off the street, Amy looks to restart uni life, and Jenny’s hooked up with Owen.
What did you think of tonight’s offering? I am @rybazoxo if you want to tweet and let me know!

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