With Speed Daal readying to host the refugee Q & A drop-in session, the Coronation Street right-wing radicalisation storyline continues to run through my Wednesday night episode reviews- and I'm here for it! With Max now 100% Nazi, and his pal Blake seemingly the same, I knew this episode was promising something. Having seen zero spoilers, and writing this on a Friday night due to being busy at my new job, I sat at the laptop with trepidation wondering what was to come. A few days ago, I read on the national news website about a northern UK teen being jailed for radicalisation, so fair play Corrie for being current, relevant, and supplying high-end drama.
We start tonight with Darryan handing out flyers for the gig, and Maria busying herself, much to Gary’s worry and frustration. It's good to see Gary and David at loggerheads again, right? Maria remains worried about Max’s temperament and decides to invite the youngster to the drop-in session. Max, however, is watching Blake’s online racist vlog live-stream and it's made clear that Blake is heading to Speed Daal with violent action in mind. David steals Max’s phone and tells him to go to the drop-in to try and change his views.
Over at Speed Daal, Maria gives a TED-talk speech on community cohesion, awareness, and woke Weatherfield, which seems to have been the button to press for Blake to reveal his knife, just as Max gets his phone back to retune to the live stream. Running over to Speed Daal, Max is aware of what could be about to happen, and (once again) his warnings of terrorist activity fall on deaf ears, and (once again), Alya comes off worse, and this time it's a stabbing! Gary and Darryan wrestle Blake to the ground, whilst Speed Daal is cleared, and the police are soon on the scene. Max is immediately a suspect cohort, whilst Alya's rushed into surgery.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Corrie spectrum, Fiz explains she's off to see her Mum, Cilla, for the night, and Evelyn worries about Tyrone being on his own. At the garage, he’s propositioned by the chinchilla blonde/pretty pet shop woman, which his granny spots, and tells him off for flirting. Flying off the handle, Evelyn tells Roy all about it, only to see Tyrone head out to his car all suited and booted. Evelyn suspects the worse so tells Roy to fire up his woody! At the Chariot Square hotel, we watch Tyrone arrive, and then the penny drops in my Corrie brain - he’s meeting Fiz! - after the spicy sex advice from street siren Sally! Yep, Fiz is in a blonde wig at the bar, with Evelyn and Roy springing Tyrone only to discover the newlywed's role-play sauciness! - love it. Corrie may encompass modern storytelling with the right-wing radicalisation thread but still gives us some light-hearted sauce that reminds me of just how good this programme can be.
At the Rovers, Daisy gets another expensive gift delivered, and her Mum is charmed upon meeting Stephen whilst he lies to Jenny about Teddy and Leo. Following his disposal of Teddy, Stephen is buoyant tonight and asks Jenny on a date, only for her to dismiss his charms. Outside of number one, Daisy bumps into her Scottish stalker who admits to sending the gift. Later, Stephen is late night packing at Underworld when he meets Dick Haversham, an old work pal. He lies about his factory job and Carla shows him up.
Elsewhere, Gemma’s childcare business meets its first client, which unfortunately makes her realise there's still a lot to learn. Gemma's trip to the kebab shop, whilst all hell broke loose on Victoria Street, was hilarious; just not sure if it was supposed to be. If Ches does a veggie option for that craft burger - I'm in!
Love! Dee-dee’s new hair, spotting the Weatherfield community hub branding, and Evelyn and Roy are the comedy detectives we all need! Could they ever be more than friends?
Also worth mentioning is some brilliant direction tonight, what with the camera work on Max’s running shot, and the speed daal stabbing aftermath. Some hilariously written and quite subtle innuendo made for top-tier Corrie tonight. What did you think?
I am @rybazoxo self-styled cobbles connoisseur & Coronation Street superfan.

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